
Design Flow Overview

The FPGA design flow is a 3-step process that consists of the following stages.

The Xilinx design flow is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1.12 Xilinx Design Flow Overview

Overviews of the each step of the design flow process are included in the “Design Entry” chapter, the “Design Implementation” chapter, and the “Design Verification” chapter, respectively.

The full design flow is an iterative process of entering, implementing, and verifying your design until it is correct and complete. The Xilinx Development System allows quick design iterations through the design flow cycle. Since FPGA devices permit unlimited reprogramming, you do not need to discard devices when debugging your design in-circuit. See the “Design Implementation” chapter for more information.

The following table defines the terms used in the “Xilinx Design Flow Overview” figure.

Table 1_2 Design Flow Terms

Schematic entry
Design entry using graphic symbols
Text-based entry
Design entry using a design Hardware Description Language (HDL)
Converting device-independent or behavioral logic descriptions to a form that can be efficiently implemented in a Xilinx FPGA
Representing a design's logic as resources of the Xilinx FPGA
Assigning design blocks created during mapping to specific locations in the FPGA
Assigning the interconnect paths
Bitstream generation
Converting a design into a bitstream that can be loaded into a Xilinx FPGA
Association of implementation net delay information with the original nets found in the input design.
Software emulation of a design`s logic and timing using input stimuli

The following figure shows the Xilinx M1 software flow chart for FPGA design.

Figure 1.13 Xilinx M1 Software Design Flow
