
Using the Mouse and the Keyboard

This section describes using the mouse and the keyboard in the EPIC window.

Using the Mouse

EPIC supports a three-button mouse for workstations and a two-button mouse for PCs. The mouse buttons have two modes of operation. You can quickly press and release (or click) a button or you can hold the button down for a longer period. The workstation and PC mouse and functions are included in the following figures and tables.

The mouse button operations shown in Table 2-5 are the default button operations. You can also customize the mouse buttons to perform operations other than those shown. The procedure for customizing mouse buttons is described in the Customizing Mouse Buttons section of the Customizing EPIC chapter.

Workstation Mouse

Figure 2.5 Workstation Mouse

Table 2_2 Workstation Mouse Button Functions

Mouse Button
Click to select object
Click and hold to move object
Click to zoom in
Click to zoom out
Hold to pan

PC Mouse


You can use a three-button PC mouse when you are working within the EPIC window, but only the left and right mouse buttons will operate.

Figure 2.6 PC Mouse

Table 2_3 PC Mouse Button Functions

Mouse Button
Click to select object
Click and hold to move object
Click to zoom in
Shift and click to zoom out
Hold to pan

Zooming with the Mouse

To zoom in or out, click the appropriate button on your mouse. The EPIC window zooms by a preset factor. When you zoom, the zoom always centers around the location of the mouse cursor.

The number of available zoom levels varies with the device you are viewing and your type of computer. For example, a Xilinx 3090 device has more zoom levels than a 3020 device and a PC usually has more zoom levels than a workstation. On a PC, the number of display levels also depends on your display device and the display mode in which you are operating.

Zoom Toggle

The zoom toggle feature allows you to toggle from an inner zoom level to the outermost zoom level and back. This feature is useful when you want to remain at a zoom level that provides good visibility for editing. For example, to move to a location outside your current editing area, but maintain the selected zoom level, use the zoom toggle to go to the outer zoom level, move the cursor to the desired location, and zoom back in.

To perform a zoom toggle, place the cursor in the editing area and type the letter “z” or “Z.” If you begin at a zoomed-in level, you zoom out to the maximum zoom level; if you zoom toggle again, you return to the previous zoom level.


Panning keystrokes are defined in the EPIC initialization (epic.ini) file and are summarized in the following table. You can also use the locator area in the EPIC window to pan to a selected area. This panning method is described in the “Locator Area” section.

To pan, you must zoom in at least one level and position the mouse cursor in the editing area. You can perform any of the following operations to pan in the EPIC window.

Table 2_4 Panning Keystrokes

Up arrow ( )
Pan up 75% of one window height.
Shift +
Pan to upper edge of device.
Down arrow ( )
Pan down 75% of one window height.
Shift +
Pan to lower edge of device.
Left arrow ( )
Pan left 75% of one window height.
Shift +
Pan to left edge of device.
Right arrow ( )
Pan right 75% of one window height.
Shift +
Pan to right edge of device.
space bar
Center display around current cursor position.
