
Creating a New Design File

To create a new design while you are in the EPIC window, use this procedure.

  1. Select New from the File menu.

    The New Design dialog box appears.

    Figure 3.1 New Design Dialog Box

  2. Type the name of the new design in the Design File field.

    If you do not enter the .ncd extension, EPIC automatically adds it when the file is created. You can open a new design under a directory other than the current working directory. Type in the path name of the target directory in the Design File field, or use the Browse button to display your directory structure.

    From the directory structure displayed in the Browse dialog box, select a target directory. Type the name of the new design file name in the File name field and click OK.

    The New Design dialog box reappears and the name of the new design appears in the Design File field.

  3. Enter the name of a constraints file in the Constraints File field or use the Browse dialog box to assign a constraints file to the new design.

    If you do not enter a file name, a constraints file is created with the same name as the .ncd file but with a.pcf extension.

  4. Select an architecture, device, package, and speed.

    You can only enter a part number from a part library you have installed on your system.

  5. Select Save current file, if you do not want to save changes made to your design.

    Leave Save current design selected to save the current design.

  6. Click OK.

The current design closes and an empty (unprogrammed) design is loaded into the EPIC window. The design part number and speed are as specified.
