
Routing and Unrouting

Connections can be routed in the editing area automatically or manually. When you use automatic routing (AutoRoute), the system selects the routing path for each connection you select. In manual routing, you specify the routing path.

You can enable the Automatic Routing option to automatically route any unrouted net pins created as a result of an editing action, such as placing a component or creating a new net. Automatic Routing, when enabled, occurs after add, place, autoplace, copy, and swap operations.

You can also unroute connections. Unrouting unroutes any specified routes without eliminating the logical connections in the nets involved.

You can route or unroute selected connections; you can also route or unroute all connections in the design.

The following sections describe routing, unrouting, and the Automatic Routing option.

Automatic Routing

The AutoRoute command automatically routes the objects you specify. You can autoroute these objects.

In addition, you can autoroute between two resources including the following.

To automatically route selected objects follow these steps.

  1. Select the objects you want to automatically route.

    You can select any combination of nets, net pins, ratsnest lines and components and macros. Net pins, ratsnest lines, components, macros, and partially or fully routed nets in the editing area. But unrouted nets can only be selected by displaying a net list in the EPIC List dialog box, then selecting the desired net names.

  2. Perform the Autoroute command in one of the following ways.

Notes on Automatically Routing Selected Objects

You can also select, then autoroute two objects on a single net. The two objects can be any combination of the following: net pin, route segment, local line, long line, or pinwire used by the net. When you then perform the Autoroute command, the system attempts to route a path between the two objects.

As an example, the following drawing shows the result achieved when selecting a pin and performing an autoroute.

Figure 3.21 Automatic Routing - Selecting a Single Object

Suppose you do not want the pin to be routed using the vertical local line the software selected. To specify a different path for the route, select the pin and the horizontal local line already used for the net routing. Automatic Routing would be performed as follows.

Figure 3.22 Automatic Routing - Two Objects on a Net

To automatically route the entire design use the following procedure.

  1. Perform the Autoroute -All command in one of these ways.

  2. In the dialog box, specify the routing options you want, then click OK.

    All unrouted connections are routed, if possible. The display for each routed connection changes from a ratsnest display to a routed net display. If a net cannot be routed to completion, an error message appears in the history area.

Notes on Automatically Routing the Entire Design

Manual Routing

Manual routing is done using the Route command. Manual routing allows you to specify the path the signal routing takes. Select the net pins or pinwires to connect and the routing resources to use, for example, long lines or local lines, and the system routes the specified path. As part of the manual routing, you can select unused pins on placed components, then route these pins together to form a new net, or route them to an existing net.

To route manually perform this procedure.

  1. Select the net pins, pinwires, local lines, long lines, route segments, and unused components pins.

  2. Perform the Route command in one of the following ways.

Notes on Manual Routing

Switch Boxes in Manual Routing

Switch boxes are located at the junctions of horizontal and vertical local lines and can connect local lines. The switch boxes have certain allowable matrices for pin connections. Allowable routes vary, depending on the location of the switch box on the chip. Switch boxes situated on the perimeter of the chip: top, bottom, right and left as viewed from EPIC, have fewer pins; therefore, the routing matrices are different from those on switch boxes inside the perimeter.

To see the permissible paths for any pin in a given switch box, select the pin. The switch box looks similar to the following figure. To deselect the pin and clear the paths from the screen, select it again or select Unhilite All from the View menu. Click the Shift key and the left mouse button to select multiple switch box pins.

Figure 3.24 Pin Routing in a Switch Box

To route a connection through a switch box, select the local lines leading to the pins you want to connect, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3.25 Routing Through a Switch Box

A “bank shot” is a way of indirectly connecting two switch box pins that cannot be connected directly. If you want to route a bank shot through a switch box, select, in the correct order, the local lines leading to all of the pins you want to connect and shown in the following figure.

Figure 3.26 Routing a Bank Shot

Routing Through a Logic Block

A route can pass through an occupied or an unoccupied CLB site. This type of route is called a route-through, which can be done manually in EPIC. A route-through provides routing resources that would otherwise be unavailable.

Click the Shift key and the left mouse button on a pin to highlight all available route-through paths for the pin at that site or component.

To manually route through a CLB in an XC4000 design follow these steps.

  1. During manual routing, select input pin C1, C2, C3, or C4 on the CLB site (vacant or occupied) through which to route.

    You can also select the pinwire associated with the pin.

    Figure 3.27 CLB Pins for Route-Throughs in Xilinx XC4000/4000E Designs

  2. Select output pin QX or QY on the same site used in the previous step.

    You can also select the pinwire associated with the pin.

  3. Perform the Route command in any of the following ways.

In EPIC, a route-through appears as a wide line connecting an input to an output pin. The line has the same width and color as other route line segments and is contained in the route graphics layer. If a component is also placed at the route-through site, the route-through line segment lies on top of the component.

Automatic Routing Option

The Automatic Routing Option automatically routes any unrouted nets created as a result of an editing action, such as placing a component, creating a new net, swapping components. If enabled, Automatic Routing is performed after each Add, Copy, Swap, Autoplace, and Place command.

The Automatic Routing Option is an attribute of the main EPIC window. When the EPIC window opens, the default setting for the Automatic Routing Option is enabled. You can change the default setting by editing your epic.ini or epicuser.ini file. See the “Initialization Commands” section of the “Customizing EPIC” chapter.

During an EPIC session, you can toggle the option between enabled and disabled by using the procedure following.

To toggle the Automatic Routing setting follow these steps.

  1. Post the Main Window Attributes dialog box in one of these ways.

  2. Select Automatic Routing Option.

  3. Click OK or Apply.

    The Automatic Routing Option is toggled.


Unrouting unroutes routed connections for specified objects. The logical connections remain after the unroute. If ratsnest lines are displayed, the unrouted routes are replaced with ratsnest lines.

You can unroute these objects.

You can unroute selected objects or unroute the entire design.


Locked nets cannot be unrouted.

To unroute selected objects follow this procedure.

  1. Select the objects to unroute.

    Select any combination of components, nets, net pins, route segments, macros, and used wires in the editing area. Nets and macros are selected by displaying a net or macro list in the EPIC List dialog box; a net can also be selected by clicking the Shift key and left mouse button on a route segment. A macro can also be selected by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting a macro component.

  2. Perform the unroute command in this any of the following ways.

The objects are unrouted. If ratsnest lines are displayed, routed connections are replaced by ratsnest lines.

To unroute the entire design use one of these methods.

Unrouting Notes
