
View Menu

The View menu contains a number of operations that affect the display in the EPIC window. The commands on the View menu are the following.

Zoom In
Zooms the editing area in.
Zoom Out
Zooms the editing area out.
Pan Left
Shifts the edit window one full window to the left.
Pan Right
Shifts the edit window one full window to the right.
Pan Up
Shifts the edit window one full window up.
Pan Down
Shifts the edit window one full window down.
Highlights selected objects by changing their color.
Removes highlighting from any objects currently selected.
Unhilite All
Removes the highlighting from all objects currently highlighted.
Deselects any selected objects.
Redraws the EPIC editing area to correct any display anomalies. Also updates the EPL (recovery) file.
Post Cmd
Displays the EPIC Command Line dialog box, which allows you to enter and execute EPIC commands.
Post List
Displays the EPIC List dialog box, which displays a list of nets, components, paths, layers, constraints, or macros.
Post View
Displays the Layer Visibility dialog box that determines which objects do and do not appear in the editing area.
UnPost All
Closes all currently displayed dialog boxes, except the EPIC List dialog box and the Layer Visibility dialog box. UnPost All is equivalent to selecting Cancel in each dialog box.
