
Customizing the Menu Bar

EPIC pull-down menus can be customized by editing an ASCII file called The program reads this file when you start EPIC.

The file contains a list showing the menus in the menu bar, the selections that appear when you pull down each menu, and the command string that will be executed for each selection. You can put whatever commands you want into a pull-down menu, as long as they are valid EPIC commands.

The EPIC initialization program first looks in the current working directory for the file, then in $HOME, then in $XILINX/data (where a default file resides). $XILINX is the path pointed to/defined by the $XILINX environment variable. You can place an file in your own working directory, then edit this file to customize the menu bar yourself. If you are the only EPIC user on a workstation or a PC, you can edit the file in the $XILINX/data directory.

The file has this format (as shown below, there must be leading white space to identify the pull-down items).


“Pulldown_Item11” “command(s)”




“Pulldown_Item1X” “command(s)”


“Pulldown_Item21” “command(s)”




“Pulldown_Item2Y” “command(s)”


“Pulldown_ItemN1” “command(s)”




“Pulldown_ItemNZ” “command(s)”

The sample file below is the default file. The structure of the file becomes clear when you compare the default file below to the default pull-down menus and the commands they perform.

Copyright 1991-1994 by XILINX Inc. All rights reserved.
EPIC menubar and pulldown menu definitions.
  - Each pulldown entry can map to one EPIC command stream.
  - All strings must be quoted with double quotes.
  - Each menubar and pulldown button label must be uniquely named.
  - Menubar button labels must start in column one.
  - Pulldown button labels must be preceded by white space.
  - Comments begin with a pound sign (#) and go to end of line.
#MenuBar PullDown                EPIC commands
#Button  Button                  this pulldown
#Label   Label                   button maps to.
#------  ----------------------  --------------------------------”File” 
     “New...”     “post new”      
     “Open...”     “post open”      
     “Save”     “unload”     
     “Save As...”      “post saveas”     
     “Save As Macro...”      “post -m saveas”     
     “New Macro...      “post macnew”
     “Open Macro...     “post macopen”
     “Exit”     “post exit”
     “Add”      “add”
     “Add Path”         “add path”
     “Add Macro...”     “post addmacro” 
     “Copy”     “copy”
     “Delete”      “delete”
     “Edit Block...”      “editblock”
     “Swap”     “swap”
     “Unbind”     “unbind” 
     “Undo Last Action”     “undo”
     “Undo Last Change”      “undo -c”
     “Hilite”            “hilite”
     “Unhilite”          “unhilite” 
     “Unhilite All”          “unhilite -all” 
     “Clear”     “clear”
     “Refresh”            “refresh”
     “Post Cmd...”     “post cmd”      
     “Post List...”     “post list”      
     “Post View...”     “post view”
     “UnPost All”        “unpost -all”