
Customizing Fonts

On a workstations you can customize the type fonts that appear in EPIC windows and dialog boxes.

If only one user will run EPIC, any changes can be made directly in the Epic file in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory (The exact location of this directory may vary from system to system), but if there are multiple EPIC users on the system you may want to copy the Epic file to your home directory. In this file, you can change any fonts. These changes will override the app-defaults/Epic file. You can, as an option, also list any font changes in your .Xdefaults file. Any changes made in your .Xdefaults file will override both the Epic file in your home directory and the app-defaults/Epic file.

For details on changing fonts, see your System Administrator or refer to your X Windows documentation.

Listed below are the default fonts.






-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*



epic*XmLabel.fontList:controls the font for the text that describes each field in the various EPIC windows and dialog boxes.

epic*XmList.fontList:controls the font that is used in EPIC lists; for example the lists that appear in the EPIC List dialog box.

epic*XmPushButtonGadget.fontList: controls the font for the text that appears on buttons in EPIC dialog boxes.

epic*XmCascadeButtonGadget.fontList:controls the font for the text on fields that call up a list from which an item can be selected; for example, a pull down menu.

epic*XmToggleButtonGadget.fontList: controls the font for the text that appears next to toggle buttons and radio buttons.

epic*XmTextField.fontList: controls the font for the text that appears in text boxes.

epic*XmText.fontList:controls the font for the text that appears in the EPIC history area.
