
Analyzing the DesignWare and Simulation Libraries

The Xilinx Synopsys Interface (XSI) provides simulation libraries supporting VSS. If you use VSS, you need to analyze the VHDL simulation models after you install the Xilinx Synopsys Interface and before you simulate your first Xilinx design. You must repeat these steps each time you install an update to your Synopsys software.

To analyze the VSS model files for Xilinx simulation, change your current directory to the simulation library source directory for the Xilinx SIMPRIMS library and run the analyze.csh script as follows:

cd $XILINX/synopsys/libraries/sim/src/simprims

The previous command analyzes the encrypted models for the SIMPRIMS library and places the output files into the $XILINX/synopsys/libraries/sim/lib/simprims directory.


The analyze.csh script attempts to create optimized models by using your system's C-compiler. If the vhdlan commands in the script encounter any difficulty accessing a C-compiler on your system, they will proceed by creating non-optimized models. The script may produce numerous warnings about this, but should complete successfully. The non-optimized models will produce the same results, but simulation run-time is typically longer.
