
Saving Schematics

To save the schematic, select the File Save + Check command.

This command checks the schematic for any errors and then saves the schematic. If the message tracker dialog box appears, correct the schematic accordingly and re-save when finished. The following message displays on the status bar at the bottom of the schematic after you make all corrections.

Check complete. 0 error(s) and 0 warning(s) in project primary:schematic_name.

To save the schematic to a file of a different name, click on File Save Copy As.

ViewDraw prompts you to specify the schematic name and the sheet number. If the file already exists, ViewDraw prompts you to verify that you want to overwrite it.


Use the Save Copy As command to rename a schematic or symbol. The Viewlogic licensing scheme saves each schematic sheet and symbol with a specific license number. This number refers to the key number and the name of the schematic or symbol. If you rename or copy the file outside of ViewDraw, the license number no longer matches, and licensing errors occur when ViewDraw opens the newly copied schematic or symbol.
