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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 20: NGD2VER


NGD2VER translates your design into a Verilog HDL file containing a netlist description of your design in terms of Xilinx simulation primitives. You can use the Verilog file to perform a back-end simulation with a Verilog simulator.

Simulation is based on SimPrims, which create simulation models using basic simulation primitives. For example, a primitive for the XC4000 dual-port RAM does not exist in the Verilog SimPrim library files. Instead, if a dual-port RAM is needed, NGD2VER builds a simulation model for the dual-port RAM out of two 16x1 RAM SimPrim primitives.

NGD2VER can produce a Verilog file representing a design at any of the following stages.

The design flow for NGD2VER is shown in the following figure.

Figure 20.1 NGD2VER Design Flow