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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 8: MAP - The Technology Mapper

MAP Syntax

The following syntax maps your design.

map [options] infile[.ngd] [pcf_file[.pcf]]

Options can be any number of the MAP options listed in the “MAP Options” section. They do not need to be listed in any particular order. Separate multiple options with spaces.

Infile[.ngd] is the input NGD file. You do not have to enter the .ngd extension.

Pcf_file[.pcf] is the Physical Constraints File in PCF format. A constraints file name is optional on the command line, but if one is entered it must be entered after the input file name. You do not have to enter the .pcf extension. The constraints file name and its location are determined in this way.

For a discussion of the output file name and its location, see the “-o (Output File Name)” section.