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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 4: Menu Commands


The FPGA Editor has six menus, which are described in the following sections. If you do not have a design open in the Array window, only the File, View, Tools, and Help menus are available.

File Menu

Use the commands in the File menu to open, close, save, and create designs and macros. This menu also includes the print command for printing your designs and macros, as well as a command to open the property sheet for the main window. The following commands are available in this menu.

Creates a new design or macro
Opens existing design or macro
Closes current design or macro
Saves current design or macro
Save As
Saves current design or macro to a different file name
Save As Macro
Saves current design as a macro
Prints the design or macro file
Print Preview
Displays a preview of how the current design or macro will be printed
Print Setup
Changes the printer and printing options
Displays up to four of the most recently accessed designs
Main Properties
Shows the property sheet for the program and design
Quits the FPGA Editor

Edit Menu

Use the Edit menu commands to modify the configuration of your design in the FPGA Editor window, and to display and modify attributes for design objects. The Edit menu includes the following commands.

Deletes the selected design object(s)
Unselect All
Unselects all selected items
Properties of Selected Items
Shows the property sheets for the selected items
Adds components, pins, or nets
Add Macro
Adds a macro instance to design
Add Macro External Pin
Designates a selected component pin in the macro file as an external pin
Set Macro Reference Comp
Designates a selected component in the macro file as the macro's reference component
Swaps the selected components or component and site
Unbind Macro
Unbinds the selected macro into individual components
Finds components, nets, wires, macros, sites, and pins.

View Menu

Use the commands in the View menu to change what is displayed in the FPGA Editor window. The View menu includes the following commands.

Toolbars Command
Shows or hides the command line toolbar
Toolbars History
Shows or hides the history toolbar
Toolbars Layer
Shows or hides the layer view toolbar
Toolbars Standard
Shows or hides the standard toolbar
Toolbars User
Shows or hides the user button toolbar
Toolbars Default Layout
Shows all toolbars in their default locations
Status Bar
Shows or hides the status bar
Zoom In
Zooms in one level in the Array or Block window
Zoom Out
Zooms out one level in the Array or Block window
Zoom Selection
Adjusts the scale of the current view so that the selected objects can be seen in the Array window
Full View
Displays the entire device in the Array or Block window
Detailed View
Displays the device at the highest zoom setting in the Array or Block window
Pan Left
Scrolls the current window to the left in the Array or Block window
Pan Right
Scrolls the current window to the right in the Array or Block window
Pan Up
Scrolls the current window up in the Array or Block window
Pan Down
Scrolls the current window down in the Array or Block window
Adds the selected items to the highlight layer in the Array window
Removes the selected items from the highlight layer
Unhighlight All
Clears the highlight layer
Redraws all the windows

Tools Menu

Use the commands in the Tools menu to place and route your design; run a design rule check; display net delays; run the TRACE program; add probes to your design; and create and run command scripts. The Tools menu includes the following commands.

Place Auto Place
Automatically places selected unplaced components
Place Manual Place
Allows you to manually place the selected components
Place Unplace
Unplaces the selected components
Place Auto Place All
Starts the autoplacement tool on all unplaced components
Place Unplace All
Unplaces all components
Route Auto Route
Automatically routes selected objects
Route Manual Route
Routes selected objects using the specified routing resources
Route Unroute
Unroutes all selected unlocked nets or portions of nets
Route Auto Route All
Automatically routes all objects
Route Unroute All
Unroutes all nets in the design except locked nets
DRC Setup
Sets options for running DRC
Runs DRC on selected objects or the entire design if nothing is selected
Displays net delays using FPGA Editor's Delay Calculator for selected components pins or nets.
Trace Setup and Run
Sets options for running TRACE; runs TRACE on all constraints, then displays the TRACE summary information
Trace Summary
Lists information on results of the TRACE run
Adds probes to design
Scripts Begin Recording
Begins recording a script
Scripts End Recording
Ends recording a script
Scripts Playback
Allows you to select and play back a script

Window Menu

Use the commands in the Window menu to open additional windows, and to control the placement of the windows on your screen. The Window menu includes the following commands.

New Array Window
Opens another instance of the Array window
New Block Window
Opens a block window for the selected component or site
New List Window
Opens another instance of the list window
New World Window
Opens another instance of the world window
Arrange Windows Cascade
Arranges the windows so they overlap
Arrange Windows Tile Horizontally
Arranges the windows as non-overlapping tiles horizontally
Arrange Windows Tile Vertically
Arranges the windows as non-overlapping tiles vertically
Arrange Windows Default Layout
Arranges the windows using the default layout
Arrange Property Sheets Cascade Vertically
Arranges the property sheets so they overlap vertically
Arrange Property Sheets Cascade Horizontally
Arranges the property sheets so they overlap horizontally
Arrange Property Sheets Cascade Diagonally
Arranges the property sheets so they overlap diagonally
Close Window
Closes the currently active window
Close All Property Sheets
Closes all property sheets

Help Menu

Use the Help menu to access the online help. The Help menu includes the following commands.

Help Topics
Displays help topics
Online Documentation
Opens the software manuals in the default Web browser.
About FPGA Editor
Displays the program information and copyright