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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 5: Working with Physical Macros

Adding Macros to Your Design

When you add a macro to your design, you are instantiating a macro or adding an instance of a library macro file to your design. A design can contain multiple instances of the same macro library file; each one has a unique name in your design. A macro can only be added if the design file and the macro library file are the same family. For example, if your design is an XC4000 part, you can only add an XC4000 macro library file.

The first time you instantiate a macro library file, a copy of the library file is placed into your design file. Any subsequent instantiations of the same library file into your design file refers to this local copy, and is not affected by changes in the external library file that was used for the original instantiation.

To add a macro to your design, follow this procedure.

  1. If you want to place the macro when you add it, select a vacant site in which to place the macro.

    The site must match the reference component specified in the macro library file. For example, if the macro library file specifies an I/O component as the reference component, the selected site must be an I/O component site.

    If there is no reference component in the macro library file, the selected site is ignored and the macro is unplaced when it is instantiated. If you do not select a site, the macro is unplaced when it is instantiated.

  2. Select Edit Add Macro to display the Add Macro dialog box, as shown in the “Add Macro Dialog Box” figure of the “Menu Commands” chapter.

  3. Fill in the dialog box fields and click OK. The fields in this dialog box are described in the “Add Macro Dialog Box Options” section of the “Menu Commands” chapter.

    An instance of the macro library file is added to your design. If you selected a site, the macro's reference component is placed at the specified site, and any other placed components in the macro library file are placed relative to the reference component.

When you close the Add Macro dialog box, a Macro Properties property sheet may appear for the newly created macro if the Automatic Post option is enabled in the Main Properties property sheet. You can edit the property sheet to modify macro properties or click Cancel to close the property sheet.

Notes on Adding Macros