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LogiBLOX Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started

Starting LogiBLOX

LogiBLOX can be started either in stand-alone mode or from a third-party schematic entry tool.

In stand-alone mode, LogiBLOX is started by entering the following command on the command line.


LogiBLOX is integrated into most third-party schematic entry tools. The Module Selector is available in both schematic and synthesis environments. Depending on which design entry tool you use, you can typically access the Module Selector as follows.

After you are in LogiBLOX, you can customize standard modules and process them for insertion into your design. When you invoke the Module Selector from your schematic capture tool, the last-used module and its settings are displayed. If you select a LogiBLOX module in your schematic and start the Module Selector, the selected module appears, ready for editing.