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Libraries Guide
Chapter 12: Attributes, Constraints, and Carry Logic

Carry Logic in XC5200

The XC5200 CLB contains a dedicated carry logic feature. This enhances the performance of arithmetic functions such as adders, subtracters, counters, comparators, and so forth. A carry multiplexer (CY_MUX) represents the dedicated 2:1 multiplexer in each logic cell. The multiplexer performs a 1-bit high speed carry propagate per logic cell (four bits per CLB).

In addition to providing a high speed carry propagate function, each CY_MUX can be connected to the CY_MUX in the adjacent logic cell to provide cascadable decode logic. The “XC5200 Carry Logic” figure illustrates how the four-input function generators can be configured to take advantage of the four cascaded CY_MUXes.

Note: AND and OR cascading are specific cases of a generic decode.

Figure 12.20 XC5200 Carry Logic

XC5200 Carry Logic Library Support

The design entry library contains one carry logic primitive and one carry logic macro. The carry multiplexer primitive (CY_MUX) represents the dedicated 2:1 multiplexer that performs the high speed carry propagate function. The carry initialize (CY_INIT) macro is used to initialize the carry chain for all arithmetic functions. The CY_INIT is implemented by forcing a zero onto the select line of the CY_MUX such that the DI pin of the CY_MUX is selected to drive the CO pin. See the “Carry Initialize Function XC5200” figure.

Figure 12.21 Carry Initialize Function XC5200

Note: The XC5200 library contains a set of RPMs designed to take advantage of the logic. Using the macros as they are or modifying them makes it much easier to take advantage of this feature.

Cascade Function

Each CY_MUX can be connected to the CY_MUX in the adjacent logic cell to provide cascadable decode logic. The “CY_MUX Used for Decoder Cascade Logic XC5200” figure illustrates how the 4-input function generators can be configured to take advantage of these four cascaded CY_MUXes.

Note: AND and OR cascading are specific cases of a general decode. In AND cascading, all bits are decoded equal to logic one. In OR cascading, all bits are decoded equal to logic zero. The flexibility of the LUT achieves this result.

Figure 12.22 CY_MUX Used for Decoder Cascade Logic XC5200