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Libraries Guide
Chapter 12: Attributes, Constraints, and Carry Logic

Schematic Syntax

This section describes how to place attributes on symbols on a schematic. The following guidelines are for specifying locations.

Following are some examples of location attributes.

Locates the element in the CLB in the first row, second column
Locates the element in the top-most slice of the four slices of the XC5200 CLB located in the first row, second column (XC5200)
Locates the element in the right-most slice of the two slices of the Virtex or Spartan2 CLB located in the first row, second column
Assigns the signal to the pin P12
Assigns the location relative to other elements in the set to row 4, column 4
Assigns the location relative to other elements in the set to the X flip-flop in row 0, column 1
Assigns the location of the element to be one slice below another element in the set that has an RLOC=R2C3.LC1 attribute (XC5200)
Assigns the location of the element to be the right-most slice of another element in the set that has an RLOC=R2C3.S1 attribute (Spartan2, Virtex)
Fixes the reference CLB of a designated set at row 4, column 4
Limits the members of a designated set to a range between row 4, column 4 and row 10, column 10

A name can be composed of any ASCII character except for control characters and characters that have special meanings.

Control characters are : (colon) ; (semi-colon) , (comma) and “(double quotes).

Characters with special meaning are / (forward slash) used as the hierarchy separator and . (period) used as the pin separator and for extensions.

For additional propagation rules for each constraint and attribute, refer to the “Macro and Net Propagation Rules” table in the "Attributes/Logical Constraints" section.