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Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started


Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) are used to describe the behavior and structure of system and circuit designs. This chapter includes a general overview of designing FPGAs with HDLs. System requirements and installation instructions are also provided.

To learn more about designing FPGAs with HDLs, Xilinx recommends that you enroll in the appropriate training classes offered by Xilinx and by the vendors of synthesis software. An understanding of FPGA architecture allows you to create HDL code that effectively uses FPGA system features.

Before you start to create your FPGA designs, refer to the current version of the Quick Start Guide for Xilinx Alliance Series for a description of the design flow; installation information; and general information on the Xilinx tools.

For the latest information on Xilinx parts and software, visit the Xilinx Web site at On the Xilinx home page, click on Service and Support, and use the Customer Service and Support page to get answers to your technical questions. You can also use the File Download option to download the latest software patches, tutorials, design files, and documentation.