
Changing LogiBLOX Components

If you want to change the definition of a LogiBLOX component, follow these steps.

  1. On your ViewDraw schematic, select the LogiBLOX component you want to modify. (If more than one instance of this LogiBLOX component exists and you want to change them all, you can select any one of the instances.)

  2. Select the Tools Change LogiBLOX command.


    Powerview Users choose Change LogiBLOX.

  3. The LogiBLOX Module Selector dialog appears with the selected module as the active one. Make the desired changes to the module definition.

  4. If you want to overwrite the original module definition, you can simply click OK, without changing the module name. This action causes all instances of this module to change (if there are any instances other than the selected one).

Or, if you want to keep the original module definition, changing only the selected instance, enter a new module name before clicking OK. After the command completes, a new symbol replaces the selected symbol.
