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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 12: PAR - Place and Route

Turns Engine (PAR Multi-Tasking Option)

This Xilinx Development System option allows you to use multiple systems (nodes) that are networked together for a multi-run PAR job, significantly reducing the total amount of time to completion. You can specify multi-tasking from the UNIX command line.

Turns Engine Overview

Before the Turns Engine was developed for the Xilinx Development System, PAR could only run multiple jobs in a linear way. The total time required to complete PAR was equal to the sum of the times that it took for each of the PAR jobs to run. This is illustrated by the following PAR command.

par -l 5 -n 10 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir

The above tells PAR to run 10 place and route passes (-n 10) at effort level 5 (-l 5), a maximum of 10 router passes (-i 10), and one cost-based cleanup pass (c 1). It runs each of the 10 jobs consecutively, generating an output NCD file for each job, i.e., output.dir/5_5_1.ncd, output.dir/5_5_2.ncd, etc. If each job takes approximately one hour, then the run takes approximately 10 hours.

Suppose, however, that you have five nodes available. The Turns Engine allows you to use all five nodes at the same time, dramatically reducing the time required for all ten jobs. To do this you must first generate a file containing a list of the node names, one per line as in the following example.

Note: A pound sign (#) in the example indicates a comment.

# NODE names

jupiter #Fred's node
mars #Harry's node
mercury #Betty's node
neptune #Pam's node
pluto #Mickey's node

Now run the job from the command line as follows.

par -m nodefile_name -l 5 -n 10 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir

nodefile_name is the name of the node file you created.

This runs the following jobs on the nodes specified.

jupiter: par -l 5 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir/5_5_1.ncd
mars: par -l 5 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir/5_5_2.ncd
mercury: par -l 5 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir/5_5_3.ncd
neptune: par -l 5 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir/5_5_4.ncd
pluto: par -l 5 -i 10 -c 1 mydesign.ncd output.dir/5_5_5.ncd

As the jobs finish, the remaining jobs are started on the nodes until all 10 jobs are complete. Since each job takes approximately one hour, all 10 jobs complete in approximately two hours.

Note: You cannot judge the relative benefits of multiple placements by running the Turns Engine with options that generate multiple placements but do not route any of the placed designs (the -r PAR option specifies “no routing”). The design score you receive is the same for each placement. To get some indication of the quality of the placed designs, run at least one routing iteration (-i 1) on each placed design.

Turns Engine Input Files

The following are the input files to the Turns Engine.

# This is a comment
# Note: machines are accessed by Turns Engine
# from top to bottom

# Sparc 20 machines running Solaris

# Sparc 10 machines running SunOS

# HPs running HP-UX

Turns Engine NCD Output File

The naming convention for the NCD file, which may contain placement and routing information in varying degrees of completion, is placer_level_router_level_table.ncd. If any of these elements are not used, they are replaced by an 'x'. For example, for the first design file being run with the options -n 5 -t 16 -rl 4 -pl 2, the NCD output file name would be 2_4_16.ncd. The second file would be named 2_4_17.ncd. For the first design file being run with the options -n 5 -t 16 -r -pl 2, the NCD output file name would be 2_x_16.ncd. The second file would be named 2_x_17.ncd.

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks

The Turns Engine can run on the following networks.


The following limitations apply to the Turns Engine.

System Requirements

For 2.1i, there is a new preferred method for setting up system requirements. The following two subsections describe each of these methods - the new and the old.

New Preferred Method

For the new method, you create a file, which can be sourced on remote systems, to set up the environment. This file is sourced with the Bourne Shell so it must be in the correct format. To source the file, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file with a fixed path that can be accessed by all the systems you are using. For example:

    /net/${nodename} /home/jim/parmsetup

  2. Add the lines to set up the XILINX environment variable and the path.

    Example for HP systems:

    export XILINX=/net/${nodename} /home/jim/xilinx
    export PATH=$XILINX/bin/hp: /usr/bin: /usr/sbin
    export SHLIB_PATH=$XILINX/bin/hp

    Example for SUN Solaris systems:

    export XILINX=/net/${nodename} /home/jim/xilinx
    export PATH=$XILINX/bin/sol: /usr/bin: /usr/sbin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$XILINX/bin/sol

    For mixed sets of systems, you need a more sophisticated script that can set up the proper environment.

  3. After setting up this file, set the environment variable PAR_M_SETUPFILE to the name of your file.

    Example for C shell:

    setenv PAR_M_SETUPFILE /net/${nodename} /home/jim/parmsetup

    Example for Bourne or Korn shells:

    export PAR_M_SETUPFILE=/net/${nodename} /home/jim/parmsetup;

Old Method

The following list describes the system requirements for running the turns engine.

To determine if everything is set up correctly, you can run the rsh command to the nodes to be used. Type the following.

rsh node_name /bin/sh -c par

If you get the usage message back on your screen, everything is set correctly.

Turns Engine Environment Variables

The environment variables below are interpreted by the Turns Engine manager.

Starting the Turns Engine From the Command Line

The following is the PAR command line syntax to run the Turns Engine.

par -m nodelist_file -n #_of_iterations -s #_of_iterations_to_save mapped_desgin.ncd output_directory.dir

-m nodelist_file specifies the nodelist file for the Turns Engine run.

-n #_of_iterations specifies the number of place and route passes.

-s #_of_iterations_to_save saves only the best -s results.

mapped design.ncd is the input NCD file.

output_directory.dir is the directory where the best results (-s option) are saved. Files include placed and routed NCD, summary timing reports (DLY), pinout files (PAD), and log files (PAR).


With the Turns Engine you may receive messages from the login process. The problems are usually related to the network or to environment variables.

Screen Output

When PAR is running multiple jobs and is not in multi-tasking mode, output from PAR is displayed on the screen as the jobs run. When PAR is running multiple jobs in multi-tasking mode, you only see information regarding the current status of the Turns Engine. For example, when the job described in the “Turns Engine Overview” section is executed, the following screen output would be generated.

Starting job 5_5_1 on node jupiter
Starting job 5_5_2 on node mars
Starting job 5_5_3 on node mercury
Starting job 5_5_4 on node neptune
Starting job 5_5_5 on node pluto

When one of the jobs finishes, a message similar to the following displays.

Finished job 5_5_3 on node mercury

These messages continue until there are no jobs left to run, at which time “Finished” appears on your screen.

Note: For HP workstations, you are not able to interrupt the job with Control-C as described below if you do not have Control-C set as the escape character. To set the escape character, refer to your HP manual.

You may interrupt the job at any time by pressing Control-C. If you interrupt the program, you see the following on your screen.

CONTRL-C interrupt detected.

Please choose one of the following options:
1. Continue processing and ignore the interrupt.
2. Normal program exit at next check point.
3. Exit program immediately.
4. Add a node for running jobs.
5. Stop using a node.
6. Display current status.

Enter choice - - >

Choices are described below.

  1. Continue processing and ignore the interrupt - self-explanatory.

  2. Normal program exit at next check point - allows the Turns Engine to wait for all jobs to finish before terminating. PAR is allowed to generate the master PAR output file (PAR), which describes the overall run results.

    When you select option 2, a secondary menu appears as shown below.

    How would you like to handle the currently running job?
    1. Allow jobs to finish.
    2. Halt jobs at next checkpoint.
    3. Halt jobs immediately.
    Enter choice - - >

    1. Allow jobs to finish - current jobs finish but no other jobs start if there are any. For example, if you are running 100 jobs (-n 100) and the current jobs running are 5_5_49 and 5_5_50, when these jobs finish, job 5_5_51 is not started.

    2. Halt jobs at next checkpoint - all current jobs stop at the next checkpoint; no new jobs are started.

    3. Halt jobs immediately - all current jobs stop immediately; no other jobs start.

  3. Exit program immediately - all running jobs stop immediately (without waiting for running jobs to terminate) and PAR exits the Turns Engine.

  4. Add a node for running jobs - allows you to dynamically add a node on which you can run jobs. When you make this selection, you are prompted as follows.

    Input the name of the node to be added to the list

    After you enter the node name, a job starts immediately on that node and a “Starting job” message is displayed.

  5. Stop using a node - allows you to remove a node from the list so that no job runs on that node.

    If you select Stop using a node, you must also select from the following options.

    Which node do you wish to stop using?
    1. jupiter
    2. mars
    3. mercury
    Enter number identifying the node.(<CR> to ignore)

    Enter the number identifying the node. If you enter a legal number, you are asked to make a selection from this menu.

    Do you wish to
    1.Terminate the current job immediately and resubmit.
    2.Allow the job to finish.
    Enter number identifying choice. (<CR> to ignore)

    The options are described below.

    1. Terminate the current job immediately and resubmit - halts the job immediately and sets it up again to be run on the next available node. The halted node is not used again unless it is enabled by the “add” function.

    2. Allow the job to finish - finishes the node's current job, then disables the node from running additional jobs.

      Note: The list of nodes described above is not necessarily numbered in a linear fashion. Nodes that are disabled are not displayed. For example, if NODE2 is disabled, the next time “Stop using a node” is opted, the following is displayed.

      Which node do you wish to stop using?

      1. jupiter
      3. mercury
      Enter number identifying the node. (<CR> to ignore)

  6. Display current status - displays the current status of the Turns Engine. It shows the state of nodes and the respective jobs. Here is a sample of what you would see if you chose this option.


    1. jupiter Job Running 5_5_10 02:30:45
    2. mars Job Running     5_5_11 02:28:03
    3. mercury Not Available
    4. neptune Pending Term    5_5_12 02:20:01
    5. pluto Job Running     5_5_13 02:20:01
    6. venus Idle
    7. earth Job Running     5_5_12 25

Each entry is described below:

There is also a status named “Job Finishing”. This appears if the Turns Engine has been instructed to halt the job at the next checkpoint.