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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 14: TRACE


This section describes the TRACE input and output files.

Input Files

Input files to TRACE are as follows.

Note: The Viewlogic® CAE tools create a file with a .pcf extension when generating a plot of a Viewlogic schematic. This PCF file is not related to a Xilinx PCF file. Since TRACE automatically reads a PCF file with the same root name as your design file, make sure your directory does not contain a Viewlogic PCF file with the same root name as your NCD file.

Output Files

Output from TRACE is a timing report (TWR) file. There are three different types of timing reports: summary report, error report, and verbose report. The type of report produced is determined by the TRACE command line options you enter, as shown in the following table.

Table 14_1 TRACE Options and Reports

TRACE Option
Report Produced
No -e or -v
Summary report
Error report
Verbose report