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This section describes the options to the TRACE command.
The -a option can only be used if you are not supplying any timing constraints (in a PCF file) to TRACE. The -a option writes out a timing report containing the following.
This information is supplied in place of the default information for the output timing report type (summary, error, or verbose).
If you want to perform an advanced analysis and you have timing constraints, then move the PCF file to another directory or rename the PCF file to a name other than the input design name. Remember to replace the PCF file when you are finished.
The -dfs option specifies that TRACE utilize depth-first search timing analysis, which analyzes all paths covered by timing constraints in order to perform timing-driven place and route. This method is more thorough than the default method and may result in longer TRACE runtimes. See the -kpaths option for a discussion of the connection-based method.
-e [limit]
The -e option generates an error report. The report has the same root name as the input design and a .twr extension. You can assign a different root name for the report on the command line, but the extension must be .twr.
The limit is an integer limit on the number of items reported per constraint. The integer limit can be used to limit the number of items reported for each timing constraint in the report file (the default is 3 items).
-f command_file
The -f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For more information on the -f option, see the -f Option section of the Introduction chapter.
The non-enumerative connection-based method (the default) has a runtime proportional to the size of the design, unlike the DFS method, which has a runtime proportional to the number of paths in the design.
There are two significant differences between the connection-based method and the DFS method.
A signal can pass through four paths in the preceding circuit, but two of the paths are false (A1 to B2 and B1 to A2). In order for a signal to pass through the upper left tristate buffer A1, the enable signal A must be true. In order to prevent a bus contention on the A1 output, the enable signal B must be false. Since buffer B2 is also controlled by the enable signal B, the path through A1 cannot pass through B2 (because when A is enabled, B is disabled). The converse is also true, if B is enabled, the only valid path is from B1 to B2.
In the example circuit, the DFS method only considers true paths. The connection-based method will trace the false paths and the true paths.
-o outfile[.twr]
The -o option specifies the name of the output timing report. The .twr extension is optional.
-s [speed]
The -s option overrides the device speed contained in the input NCD file and instead performs an analysis for the device speed you specify. The -s option applies to whichever report type you produce in this TRACE run. The option allows you to see if faster or slower speed grades meet your timing requirements.
The device speed can be entered with or without the leading dash. For example, both -s 3 and -s -3 are valid entries.
Some architectures support minimum timing analysis. The command line syntax for min timing analysis is: trace -s min. Do not place a leading dash before min.
Note: The -s option only changes the speed grade for which the timing analysis is performed; it does not save the new speed grade to the NCD file.
This -skew option analyzes clock skew for all clocks including those using non-dedicated clock routing resources.
-stamp stampfile design.ncd
When you specify the -stamp option, TRACE generates a pair of STAMP timing model files stampfile.mod and stampfile.data that characterize the design's timing.
Note: A stampfile entry is required before the NCD file entry for the 2.1i release.
The STAMP compiler can be used for any board when performing static timing analysis.
There are four methods of running TRACE with the STAMP option to obtain a complete STAMP model report.
For either of the last two options, you should not have any path controls or TIGs or be aware that those paths are not part of the model.
The -u option reports delays for paths that are not covered by timing constraints. The option adds an Unconstrained path analysis constraint to your existing constraints. This constraint performs a default path enumeration on any paths for which no other constraints apply. The default path enumeration includes circuit paths to data and clock pins on sequential components and data pins on primary outputs.
In the TRACE report, the following is included for the Unconstrained path analysis constraint.
-v [limit]
The -v option generates a verbose report. The report has the same root name as the input design and a .twr extension. You can assign a different root name for the report on the command line, but the extension must be .twr.
The limit variable is an integer limit on the number of items reported per constraint. The integer limit can be used to limit the number of items reported for each timing constraint in the report file (the default is 3 items).