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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 14: TRACE

Command Line Examples

The following command verifies the timing characteristics of the design named design1.ncd, generating a summary timing report. Timing constraints contained in the file group1.pcf are the timing constraints for the design. This generates the report file design1.twr.

trce design1.ncd group1.pcf

The following command produces a file listing all delay characteristics for the design named design1.ncd, using the timing constraints contained in the file group1.pcf. The verbose report file is called output.twr.

trce -v design1.ncd group1.pcf -o output.twr

The following command analyzes the file design1.ncd and reports on the three worst errors for each constraint in timing.pcf. The report is called design1.twr.

trce -e 3 design1.ncd timing.pcf