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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started

Starting the FPGA Editor

The FPGA Editor runs on PCs and workstations. You can start the FPGA Editor from the Windows Program Manager, the Xilinx Alliance Design Manager, the Xilinx Foundation Project Manager, or the command line.

This section contains the following topics.

From the Design Manager (Alliance Series)

To start the FPGA Editor from the Design Manager window (PC or workstation), click on the FPGA Editor icon, shown in the following figure. Or select the Tools FPGA Editor menu command.

From the Project Manager (Foundation Series)

To start the FPGA Editor from the Project Manager window, select Tools Implementation FPGA Editor.

Stand-Alone Tool

Note: To run the FPGA Editor as a stand-alone tool on a PC, you must have the XILINX environment variable defined and the path must include $XILINX/bin/nt.

If you installed the FPGA Editor as a stand-alone tool on a PC, click on the FPGA Editor icon (shown in the previous figure) on the Windows desktop or select fpga_editor.exe from the Windows Start button.

From the Command Line

To start the FPGA Editor from a UNIX command line, type the following command.


The following table includes the different options you can use when starting the FPGA Editor from the UNIX command line or from the Run option in the Windows Start button menu

Table 2_1 FPGA Editor Command Line Options

Specifies No Logic Changes mode
Specifies Read-Write mode
Specifies Read-Only mode
Specifies Macro Edit mode
Specifies a script file to perform immediately after your design (or macro) is read or created, or after the FPGA Editor's initialization files have been read

The FPGA Editor window appears with the specified design loaded or, if you have not specified an existing design, the FPGA Editor window appears displaying an empty design with the specified part and speed. If you are creating a new design, you are placed in a mode that allows you to make changes to the design.


fpga_editor [-r | -e | -n] design_name.ncd pcffile_name.pcf -p script_file_name

To run the FPGA Editor on an existing design use the following.

fpga_editor [-n|-e|-r] design_name.ncd [pcffile_name.pcf]

To run the FPGA Editor and create a new design use the following.

fpga_editor -e design_name.ncd [pcffile_name.pcf] [arch device package speed]

To run the FPGA Editor on an existing physical macro use the following.

fpga_editor [-e|-r] -m macro_file_name

To run the FPGA Editor to create a new physical macro use the following.

fpga_editor -e -m macro_file_name [arch device package speed]



See the “Opening an Existing Design File” section of the “Using the FPGA Editor” chapter for other mode options.


Read Only Mode - prevents overwriting your design. You can open and edit your design, but you cannot save changes to your original file. However, you can save your changes to a file with a different name.


Read-Write Mode - makes any changes to your design, including changes to the logical configurations.


No Logic Changes Mode (default mode) - makes placement and routing changes, but not changes to the logical configurations. For example, you cannot add or delete nets and components or reprogram programmable components. This mode ensures that the design database is consistent with the schematic or netlist from which it was created.


Use this option to execute the command line arguments in the specified file after your design or macro is opened or created.


Use this option when you want to edit or create a macro.