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The following table provides a summary of the FPGA Editor commands, including syntax and a description of the command.
Command | Syntax | Description |
add | extpin [pin_name] net[-pwr | -gnd] [net_name] comp[-s site_name] [-t comp_type] [comp_name] macro macrofile_name.[nmc][macro_name] | Adds object to design |
alias | alias [alias_name [cmdstream]] | Assigns name to a command stream |
autoplace | autoplace [-all] [-x] [-l level [-t table_entry] | Automatically places one or more components or macros |
autoroute | autoroute [-all [-i number_iterations] [-cc costclean][-dc delayclean][-ec delaycleanif][-x]] | Automatically routes one or more objects |
button | button [button_name [cmdstream]] | Creates a new button in the User toolbar |
clear | clear | Deselects all items currently selected |
close | close [-s|-n] | Closes your design |
copy | copy | Copies the logical contents of one programmable component or macro into another |
create | create design design_name [pcffile_name] arch device package speed create macro macro_name arch device package speed | Creates a design or macro using the specified architecture, device, package, and speed |
delay | delay [-t][-min|-all] | Runs the delay calculator on selected paths and nets in a path |
delete | delete [path path_name] | Removes selected objects from your design |
drc | drc [-all] [-err] [net|block|chip|allchecks] | Runs the DRC (Design Rule Check), which performs a series of tests to validate nets or components |
echo | echo [message] | Writes a message to the history area |
editblock | editblock | Allows you to view the logic in a programmable block; you can edit the logic if you are in Read/Write mode |
end | end [block] | Ends a script recording session; end block ends an LBE session |
exec | exec command_text | Executes a system command string entered in the FPGA Editor window |
exit | exit [-s] | Closes your design and exits the FGPA Editor |
focus | focus window_name focus {history|cmd} focus {next|prev|previous} | Moves the keyboard focus to the specified window, history toolbar area, command line toolbar, previous, or next window |
getattr | getattr [main attrname1 attrname2.....] getattr {net|comp|pin|site|layer|path} name attrname1 attrname2.... getattr attrname1 attrname2..... | Lists properties and constraints for a specified object |
hilite | hilite [-c color] hilite traceerror [-c color] {pcf_index|error_index} | Changes the color of selected objects |
layout | layout {use name|save name} layout {cascade|vertical|horizontal} layout propsheets {diagonal|horizontal|vertical} layout origin x:0, 32000 y:0, 32000 layout delta dx:0, 1000 dy:0, 1000 | Saves the arrangement of windows and toolbars using a name specified by you. To change the FPGA Editor default layout, save your new layout with the name default. |
load | load design [-s] design_name [arch device package speed] load design [-s] design_name pcffile_name [arch device package speed] load macro [-s] macro_name [arch device package speed] | Loads a design or macro into the FPGA Editor window |
null | null | An editor command that does nothing |
open | open design design_name [pcffile_name] open macro macro_name | Opens the specified design or macro; if a PCF file exists for the design, it is automatically opened even if it is not specified |
pan | pan center pan {up|down|left|right} [far] pan {up|down|left|right} [percent_amount:1,100] pan delta x_pos:-32000, 32000 y_pos:-32000, 32000 | Pans the Array window in a specified direction by a specified amount |
pause | pause [nseconds:1, 1000] | Pauses the editor for a specified number of seconds |
pick | pick [-e][-a][-q][-k][-n][-m][-s|r] [-p][x_loc:-32000,32000 y_loc:-32000,32000][layer_name][-order order_spec] | Allows you to select an object in the main window by location |
pipe | pipe {input|output} create pipe_name pipe {input|output} open pipe_name pipe {input|output} close pipe input interval milliseconds:10, 10000 pipe input {pause|resume} pipe output write string | Creates input and output files that are read from and written to, respectively |
place | place | Places a selected component or macro at a selected site |
playback | playback [-d][-r][-i][-p][-s] file_name.scr | Plays back the commands in a script file |
post | post attr [main] post attr {net|comp|site|pin|layer|path|macro| wire} name post {array|list|world} post block [comp|site|sitetype name] post {cmd|history|standard|user|view} post {drc|find|new|open|macnew| macopen|addmacro|playback|probes| record|trace|tracesum|autorouteall| autoplaceall} arg1 arg2 ..... post traceerr pcf_index:0, 32000 post msg [-t][-c|-ok|-okcancel| -yesno|-yesnocancel] [-defbutton1|-defbutton2|-defbutton3] [-info|-information|-question| -exclamation|-stop] message [-newcc][cmdstream1 [cmdstream2 [cmdstream3]]] post [-m] saveas post [-n] {cmd|exit} | Posts a dialog box of the specified type |
probe | probe add [net_name] [-pinname pin_name] [-targetpins pin_number1 pin_number2] [-usedpin pin_number][-noroute] probe change [-pinname] net_or_pin_name attr_name1 attr_value1 attr_name2 attr_value2 probe {route|unroute|delete|list} [-pinname] net_or_pin_name probe {route|unroute|delete|list] [-all] probe save probe_script_name | Defines and adds probes to your design |
quit! | quit! | Closes out the FPGA Editor without saving changes to the design file |
record | record [-c [-r]][scriptfile_name] | Records commands into a script file; creates a script file that, when played back, replicates the current design or macro; and writes routing commands into the script file to generate the routes in a design |
refresh | refresh | Redraws the main window and writes the most recent commands into the command log file |
route | route | Routes a series of specified connections |
save | save [design_name [pcffile_name]] save design [design_name pcffile_name]] save macro [macro_name] | Saves your design or macro |
select | select [-k][-id] {comp|pin|net|node|layer|path|macro| site|wire} name select [-k] route net_name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000 select [-k] layer_name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000 xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000 select [-k] layer_name name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000 | Selects an object using keyboard input only |
setattr | setattr {main|find|list} attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2 setattr {net|comp|site|layer|path| pin} name attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2 setattr attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2 | Sets specified properties and constraints for a selected object |
setwin | setwin [-c] name attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2 | Sets window related attributes, such as position and size |
swap | swap | Changes the placement of a selected component or macro with that of another selected component, macro, or site; also swaps two pins |
trace | trace [-r][-e][-l limit] | Displays a timing report for selected constraints in the history area; also constructs an internal table of timing information for the selected constraints |
unalias | unalias [-all] aliasname1 [aliasname2] | Removes a defined command alias |
unbind | unbind | Separates macro components and nets from the macro and deletes the macro instance from the database |
unbutton | unbutton [-all] button_name1 [button_name2] | Removes an existing User toolbar button |
unhilite | unhilite [-all] unhilite traceerror pcf_index|error_index | Removes the highlight from selected or specified objects |
unload | unload [design][design_name[pcffile_name]] unload [macro][macro_name] | Saves your design in the main window to an external file |
unplace | unplace [-all] | Unplaces one or more selected components or macros |
unpost | unpost [-all] unpost [attr] main unpost [attr] {net|comp|site|pin| layer|path|macro|wire} name unpost {cmd|history|standard|status|user|view} unpost window_name [key] | Closes all dialog boxes, or a dialog box of the designated type |
unroute | unroute [-all] | Unroutes the selected object(s) |
unselect | unselect [-all] | {comp|pin|net|node|layer|path|macro| site|wire}[-id] name | Unselects all or selected objects in your design |
zoom | zoom {in|out} [far][@cursor] zoom toggle [xpos][ypos] zoom selection | Zooms the Array window in or out |