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This section contains an alphabetical listing of the commands, command line syntax, options, abbreviations, and command line examples.
Use the Add command to create new design objects or modify existing ones. All components added with this command become part of your design's database.
add extpin [pin_name]
add net [-pwr|-gnd][net_name]
add comp [-s site_name][-t comp_type][comp_name]
add macro macrofile_name.[nmc][macro_name]
extpin | External macro pin |
macrofile_name | Name of the library file for the macro you are adding to your design |
macro_name | Name of the macro within your design |
To add a component at site ED, enter the following.
select site ED
To create a new net, enter the following.
select pin ED.Y
select pin FE.A
To add two new net pins to net DA1, enter the following.
select pin AD.Y
select pin CE.A
select net DA1
Use the Alias command to assign a name to a command stream. You can then enter the alias name to perform the assigned commands. This is useful for abbreviating or renaming existing commands. If the command stream is omitted, the command stream associated with the named aliases is displayed in the history area.
You can also use the Alias command to define hot keys or characters you can enter when the Array window has the keyboard focus. Use brackets around a character, control key combination, or function key combination to specify the hot key name as shown in the following examples.
alias [z] zoom in
alias [Ctrl+z] zoom in
alias [F3] zoom in
alias [Shift+F3] zoom out
alias [Ctrl+Shift+F3] zoom out far
Note: Some control and function keys are reserved, and cannot be given a new value with the Alias command. An error message is displayed if you try to use one of the reserved keys.
You can also use the Alias command to assign commands to mouse clicks as shown in the following example.
alias [Left Click] pick -s
Other possible mouse clicks are Right Click, Middle Click, Left Double Click, Middle Double Click, or Right Double Click. You can also use the Shift and Control keys with mouse clicks.
alias [alias_name [cmdstream]]
alias_name | Name of the alias to be added |
cmdstream | Command(s) run when alias is entered |
To create a command called two_ in that zooms in two zoom levels and deselects any selected objects, enter the following.
alias two_in zoom in;zoom in;clear
To find out what commands are associated with the two_in alias, enter the following.
alias two_in
To display a list of available aliases and associated commands in the history area, enter the following.
Use the Autoplace command to automatically place selected components or all unplaced components in your design.
autoplace [-all][-x][-l level [-t table_entry]]
-all | Autoplaces all components |
-x | Disables timing-driven placement |
-l level | Specifies the effort level for the design |
-t table_entry | Specifies how to start placement at the specified cost table |
Use the Autoroute command to automatically route the connection between specified objects.
autoroute [-all [-i number_iterations]
[-cc costclean][-dc delayclean][-ec delaycleanif][-x]]
-all | Autoroutes all signals |
-x | Disables timing-driven routing |
-i number_iterations | Specifies the number of iterations performed by the router; you can only use this option with the -all option |
-cc costclean | Specifies the number of cost-based cleanup iterations |
-dc delayclean | Specifies the number of delay-based cleanup iterations |
-ec delaycleanif | Specifies the number of delay-based cleanup iterations to be run if the design was successfully routed |
To automatically route every net connected to pins on components LB1 and LB2, enter the following.
select comp LB1
select comp LB2
To automatically route net DH1, enter the following.
select net DH1
To automatically route your entire design using twelve iterations of the router and one cost-based cleanup pass, enter the following.
autoroute -all -i 12
Use the Button command to create a new button in the User toolbar.
button [button_name [cmdstream]]
button_name | Name of the button you want to add |
cmdstream | Specifies the commands that are executed when this button is pressed |
To create a new button in the User toolbar with the name two in that zooms in two zoom levels and deselects all selected objects, enter the following.
button two in zoom in;zoom in;clear
To list the commands associated with the two in button, enter the following.
button two in
To list the commands associated with all User toolbar buttons, enter the following.
Use the Clear command to deselect all items currently selected.
Use the Close command to close your design.
close [-s|-n]
-s | Saves your design before closing it |
-n | Specifies that you do not want to save your design before closing it |
Use the Create command to create a design or macro using the specified architecture, device, package, and speed.
create design design_name [pcffile_name] arch device package speed
create macro macro_name arch device package speed
pcffile_name | Specifies the physical constraints file |
Use the Delay command to compute the delay for selected nets or paths. For pins with multiple paths, the Delay command computes the maximum delay path as the default. To determine the delay for a net, select the net and use the Delay command without any options.
delay [-t][-min|-all]
Note: The following options are for paths only.
-t | Lists the total delay for the selected path (not the constituent parts) |
-min | Lists the path with the smallest delay (when there are multiple paths) |
-all | Lists the delays for all paths between two selected pins |
To list the delays for all paths between two pins, select the pins and enter the following.
delay -all
To list the path with the smallest delay (when there are multiple paths between two pins), select the pins and enter.
delay -min
To display the driver-to-load delays for a specific net, select the net name from the List window and click the Delay button in the User toolbar.
Use the Delete command to remove selected objects from your design.
delete [path path_name]
path_name | Specifies the path you want to delete |
To delete component DMA1 from your design, enter the following.
select comp DMA1
To select and view net HRST and then delete it from your design, enter the following.
select net HRST
To clear all current selections and delete the CE.RD and CF.RD net pins from their associated net, enter the following.
select pin CE.RD
select pin CF.RD
Use the DRC command to run a design rule check on objects in your design.
drc [-all][-err][net|block|chip|allchecks]
-all | Runs all DRC checks on all nets and blocks |
-err | Reports errors only; does not report warnings |
net | Runs net check only |
block | Runs block check only |
chip | Runs chip check only |
allchecks | Runs net, block, and chip checks |
Use the Echo command to write a message to the history toolbar area.
echo [message]
Use the Editblock command to modify logic blocks in the Block window.
Use the End command to end a script recording session, end a script playback, or close the logic block editor.
end [block]
To terminate a script recording session, enter the following.
To close the logic block editor, enter the following.
end block
Use the Exec command to execute a UNIX or Windows command.
exec [-g] command_text
-g | Spawns a GUI (graphical user interface) program. The FPGA Editor does not wait for the GUI program to terminate before returning control back to you. It does not collect the output of GUI programs. |
To save your design to a different filename and then list the contents of the directory where this new file exists, enter the following.
unload design adder.ncd
exec dir /home/designs
Use the Exit command to close your design and exit the FGPA Editor. You are prompted to save any unsaved changes.
exit [-s]
-s | Causes FPGA Editor to automatically save any changes without prompting you before exiting |
Use the Focus command to move the keyboard focus to the specified window, history toolbar area, command line toolbar, previous, or next window. Xilinx recommends assigning this command to a hot key. See the Alias section for more information on using the Alias command, refer to the Customizing with Command Aliases section of the Customizing the FPGA Editor chapter for information on hot keys.
focus window_name
focus {history|cmd}
focus {next|prev|previous}
window_name | Moves keyboard focus to specified window |
history | Moves keyboard focus to history toolbar area |
cmd | Moves keyboard focus to command line toolbar |
next | Moves keyboard focus to next window |
prev | Moves keyboard focus to previous window |
Use the Getattr command to list properties for a specified object.
getattr [main attrname1 attrname2.....]
getattr {net|comp|pin|site|layer|path} name attrname1 attrname2....
getattr attrname1 attrname2.....
main | Displays all or specified properties in the history area for your design |
name | Specifies the name of selected object |
attrname | Specifies valid attribute for the selected object |
To list the setting of the main window automatic routing option, enter the following.
getattr main auto_route
To list the properties for a selected net, enter the following.
This command list the priority and the locked attribute for the Q1 net.
getattr net Q1 prioritize lock
This command lists the values for the locate constraint.
getattr comp comp_name locate
The following table lists the valid attributes for objects that can have attributes. The table also lists the name expected for a layer when you specify a layer as the object type.
Note: You can use dashes instead of underscores in the attribute name.
Object | Name | Attribute Name |
Main | Not Applicable clknets_period1 | design_name program_version speed edit_mode flush_rate auto_deselect auto_hilite auto_post stub_trim auto_route enhanced_routing delay_based disable_draw lock_routing lock_placement penalize_tilde allnets_maxdelay clknets_period clknets_maxskew allpaths_maxdelay pattern_matching design_manager_mode design_manager_ncd_file probe_auto_pin_count probe_config_string array_view_params pan_style show_errors_in_box extpins (macros only) refcomp (macros only) |
net | net_name | name route_status number_of_pins pin_list lock block period period prioritize |
comp | comp_name | name type designator lock locate paths offset offset_comp1 (I/O comp only) offset_comp2 (I/O comp only) offset_order (I/O comp only) offset_direction (I/O comp only) offset_time (I/O comp only) base config |
site | site_name | name prohibit |
pin | pin_name | name pin_comp pin_site type pin_net pin_comp |
layer | components, hilite, local lines, long lines, pinwires, pips, ratsnests, routes, select, sites, switch boxes, text | name type view color |
path | path name | name elements block maxdelay |
find | Not Applicable | type name auto clear auto pan |
macro | macro name | name libfile status refcomp extpins lock locate paths |
1 Syntax for listing the global period attribute is: getattr main clknets_period When you use the Getattr command to list the period attribute for a period with a duty cycle, it is displayed in the history area as in these examples: clknets_period = 50.00 clknets_period = 50.00:low:10 clknets_period = 50.00:high:10 Also see Note 1 under the setattr command. |
Use the Hilite command to change the color of selected objects.
hilite [-c color]
hilite traceerror [-c color] {pcf_index|error_index}
-c | Use -c color to change the color of a selected object. Valid colors are black, magenta, dark green, blue, yellow, dark cyan, green, white, dark red, cyan, grey, dark magenta, red, dark blue, and olive. |
traceerror | Indicates an error discovered by the Trace command |
pcf_index | Specifies the position of the constraint within the constraint file and the List window. For example, the first constraint listed is number 0. Value can be between 0 and 32,000. |
error_index | Specifies the position of the error in the Trace Error dialog box. The first error listed is number 0. Value can be between 0 and 32,000. |
To change the color of a selected object to yellow, enter the following.
hilite -c yellow
Use the Layout command to save the arrangement of windows and toolbars using a name specified by you. To change the FPGA Editor default layout, save your new layout with the name default. Layouts are saved in the system registry file and are available each time you invoke the FPGA Editor. You can define and save several layouts, and then use the Button command to create buttons associated with the layouts. Use the buttons to quickly change to a different window arrangement. See the Button section for more information.
layout {use name|save name}
layout {cascade|vertical|horizontal}
layout propsheets {diagonal|horizontal|vertical}
layout origin x:0, 32000 y:0, 32000
layout delta dx:0, 1000 dy:0, 1000
use | Uses specified layout for windows and toolbars |
save | Saves arrangement of windows and toolbars using the specified name |
cascade, vertical, horizontal | Arranges FPGA Editor windows horizontally, vertically, or cascading |
propsheets | Arranges property sheets in a cascading diagonal, horizontal, or vertical style |
origin | Sets the point, in screen coordinates, for cascading dialog boxes. Point 0,0 is the upper left corner of the FPGA Editor window. These values are saved for future editing sessions. |
delta | Sets the delta x and y values for cascading property sheets. These values are saved for future editing sessions. |
To save the arrangement of windows and toolbars with the name good_layout, enter the following.
layout save good_layout
To apply a saved layout of windows and toolbars named good_layout, enter the following.
layout use good_layout
To arrange the FPGA Editor windows horizontally, enter the following.
layout horizontal
Use the Null command as a placeholder for a command to be specified later.
Use the Open command to open the specified design or macro. If a PCF file exists for the design, it is automatically opened even if it is not specified.
open design design_name [pcffile_name]
open macro macro_name
pcffile_name | Physical constraints file |
Use the Pan command to move the Array window in a specified direction by a specified amount. If you have more than one array view open, the Pan command applies to the last one activated.
pan center
pan {up|down|left|right} [far]
pan {up|down|left|right} [percent_amount:1,100]
pan delta x_pos:-32000, 32000 y_pos:-32000, 32000
To pan up one window height, enter the following.
pan up
To pan left one window width, enter the following.
pan left
To pan up to the extreme top edge of the Array window, enter the following.
pan up far
To pan right 50% of a window width, enter the following.
pan right 50
To pan the display left -1002 units and up 568 units, enter the following.
pan delta -1002 568
To center the window about the current cursor position, enter the following.
pan center
Use the Pause command to stop the FPGA Editor for a specified period of time.
pause [nseconds:1, 1000]
nseconds | Number of nano seconds to pause; must be between 1 and 1000 |
To pause the editor for 15 seconds, enter the following.
pause 15
Use the Pick command to select an object in the main window by location. If a location is not specified, the object under the cursor is selected. The pick command is most useful when it is assigned to a hot key or a mouse button.
Note: The -order option and the -n, -m, -s, and -p options are mutually exclusive. If the -order option is used, the -n, -m, -s, and -p options are ignored.
pick [-e][-a][-q][-k][-n][-m][-s|r][-p][x_loc:-32000,32000 y_loc:-32000,32000][layer_name][-order order_spec]
-e | Generates an editblock command (starts the logic block editor) if a component is found at the specified x, y coordinates |
-a | Picks in all layers, whether they are visible or invisible (default is to pick only visible objects) |
-q | Lists the name and other information of the object the cursor is currently over into the history area. It does this without selecting the object. |
-k | Selects an item without using the mouse |
-n | Picks a component if the pick location is over a component pin or picks a site if the pick location is over a site. Forces the FPGA Editor to pick the site or component rather than the pin. |
-m | Selects a macro if a macro component is found at the specified x, y coordinates. Otherwise selects a regular pick. |
-s | Selects a net if a route segment is found at the specified x, y coordinates |
-p | Selects a pin if the pick location is over a pin |
x_loc, y_loc | Represent absolute screen coordinates. For applicable commands, these coordinates appear in the log file. All x-y values must be between 32000. If coordinates are not specified, the default is to use the current mouse cursor position. |
layer_name | Specific layer to pick in. If layer name is not specified, all layers are picked. Layer name can be components, hilite, links, local lines, long lines, pinwires, ratsnests, routes, select, sites, text. |
-order | Controls the order in which objects are considered for picking. |
order_spec | Specifies the order of objects for picking |
Enter the following to select the object the cursor is over.
Enter the following to select the object at coordinates 12400 234.
pick 12400 234
Enter the following to select the site the cursor is over.
pick sites
Use the following to select a site when the site layer is not visible.
pick -a sites
Enter the following to select a route path. If number is less than zero, the route path is an uphill path; if number is greater than zero, the route path is a downhill path.
pick -order rpath number
Enter the following to select objects in the specified order.
pick -order comp:site:macro:comppin:sitepin:route:net
comp | Specifies a component |
macro | Specifies a macro |
site | Specifies a site |
sitepin, comppin, pin | Specifies a site pin, component pin, or a pin |
rthru | Specifies a route-through |
net | Specifies a net |
route | Specifies a route |
rpath | Specifies a route path |
etc | Continues pick in default order |
end | Stops pick operation |
Note: The Pipe command is not available on Windows 95 platforms.
Use the Pipe command to create input and output files that are read from and written to, respectively. This command allows you to send commands to the FPGA Editor from another program, and from the FPGA Editor to another program.
On UNIX platforms, a pipe file remains in the file system and does not have to be re-created if you want to use it again after closing it. On NT platforms, the pipe file does not remain in the file system; you must re-create the pipe to use it again after closing it.
pipe {input|output} create pipe_name
pipe {input|output} open pipe_name
pipe {input|output} close
pipe input interval milliseconds:10, 10000
pipe input {pause|resume}
pipe output write string
pipe_name | Specifies the name of the input or output pipe |
interval | Specifies in milliseconds how often the input pipe is read from; the default is 250 and the range is 10-10000 |
pause/resume | Pauses or resumes reading the input pipe |
write | Writes to the output pipe |
To create an input pipe named pipe_organ, enter the following.
pipe input create pipe_organ
To set the interval for an input pipe to 100 milliseconds, enter the following.
pipe input interval 100
Use the Place command to place a component at a selected site. If the autorouting attribute is set to True, any nets connected to the component are routed.
To place a logic block, follow these steps.
Plays back the commands in a script file.
playback [-d][-r][-i][-p][-s] file_name.scr
-d | Inhibits the redrawing of windows during script playback |
-r | Ignores the editblock, getattr, null, pan, pause, post, and zoom commands during playback. Use this option to recover from an aborted FPGA Editor session. |
-i | Runs the unalias -all and unbutton -all commands before script playback |
-p | Inhibits the post command from opening any windows during script playback |
-s | Displays each command in the history area as it is performed |
file_name | Specifies the script file name |
To play back the myroute.scr script file, and display each command in the history area as it is being performed, enter the following.
playback -s myroute.scr
Use the Post command to display a dialog box, window, or toolbar of the specified type.
post attr [main]
post attr {net|comp|site|pin|layer|path|macro|
wire} name
post {array|list|world}
post block [comp|site|sitetype name]
post {cmd|history|standard|user|view}
post {drc|find|new|open|macnew|macopen|addmacro|
autoplaceall} arg1 arg2 .....
post traceerr pcf_index:0, 32000
post msg [-t][-c|-ok|-okcancel|-yesno|-yesnocancel]
[-info|-information|-question|-exclamation|-stop] message [-newcc][cmdstream1 [cmdstream2 [cmdstream3]]]
post [-m] saveas
post [-n] {cmd|exit}
The allowable dialog box, property sheet, window, or toolbar name and key entries are listed in the following table.
name | Posts the dialog box for the object specified with this name |
array | Creates a new instance of the Array window |
list | Creates a new instance of the List window |
world | Creates a new instance of the World window |
block | Creates a new instance of the Block window for a selected component or site |
cmd,history,standard, user, view | Posts the Command, History, Standard, User, or Layer Visibility toolbar |
-m | Posts the Save As Macro dialog box |
-n exit | Posts the Exit dialog box if you have unsaved changes. If you have not made any changes to your design, FPGA Editor terminates without posting the dialog box |
-n cmd | Posts the command dialog box without buttons (OK, Apply, Cancel). Once a command is entered and the Return key is pressed, the command is executed and the command line dialog box is unposted. |
pcf_index | Specifies the position of the constraint within the constraint file and the List window. For example, the first constraint listed is number 0. Value can be between 0 and 32,000. |
msg | Specifies the message you enter with the post msg command. |
cmd_stream | Used with the post msg command to specify one of three optional command streams. The first is executed if the first button is pressed, the second when the second button is pressed, and so on. |
The allowable dialog box, property sheet, or toolbar entries are described in the following table.
Dialog Box | Description |
addmacro | Posts the Add Macro dialog box, which can be used to add a macro instance. |
attr | Posts a property sheet for selected objects. |
autoplaceall | Posts the Autoplace All Components dialog box, which allows you to select options when you autoplace your entire design. |
autorouteall | Posts the Autoroute All Nets dialog box, which allows you to select options when you autoroute your entire design. |
cmd | Posts the Command Line toolbar, which allows you to enter and execute FPGA Editor commands. |
drc | Posts the DRC dialog box, which allows you to run a DRC (Design Rule Check) on selected nets, logic blocks. |
exit | Posts the Exit dialog box, which allows you to close the main window and end your FPGA Editor session. If you have not made any changes since you last saved the design, the window will close without posting the Exit dialog box. |
find | Posts the Find dialog box, which allows you to find a specified object. |
list | Posts the List window, which displays a list of component, net, or layer names used in your design. |
macnew | Posts the New Macro dialog box, which can be used to create a new macro. |
macopen | Posts the Open Macro dialog box, which can be used to open an existing macro. |
msg | Posts a Message dialog box containing text that you specify. The default message box includes an Ok button. Use -c or -okcancel to add a Cancel button; use -yesno to add a Yes and No button. Use -defbutton1, 2, or 3 to specify which button is the default button. Use -info, -exclamation, - stop to specify the type of icon that appears in the message box. Use \n with the message parameter to specify a new line. Use -newcc to execute the command stream in a new command context. Do not use this option if one of the command streams is end. |
new | Posts the New Design dialog box to create a new design. |
open | Posts the Open Design dialog box to open an existing design. |
playback | Posts the Script Playback dialog box, which allows you to play back a selected command script file. |
record | Posts the Script dialog box, which allows you to record a command script. Optionally creates a script that, when played back, replicates the current design, macro, or routing. |
saveas | Posts the Save As dialog box to save the design in the main window under a different name. |
trace | Posts the TRACE dialog box. |
tracesum | Posts the TRACE summary dialog box. |
traceerr | Posts the TRACE Error dialog box; you must include a pcf_index value. |
view | Posts the Layer Visibility toolbar, which allows you to control which objects appear in the Array window. |
Object Type | Name | Property Sheet Posted |
main | N/A | Main Window Properties |
net | net name | Net Properties |
comp | comp name | Component Properties |
site | site name | Site Properties |
pin | pin name | Pin Properties |
layer | layer name | Layer Properties |
path | path name | Path Properties |
macro | macro name | Macro Properties |
Use this command to post the Main Properties property sheet.
post attr main
If there are no objects selected in your design, you can enter the following command to post the Main Properties property sheet.
post attr
To post the Net Properties property sheet for a net selected in the List window, enter.
post attr
To post the Net Properties property sheet for the Q1 net, enter.
post attr net Q1
Use this command to post a dialog box with the specified message and then post the Exit dialog box.
post msg Warning: You've done something wrong! post exit
Use the Probe command to define and add a probe to your design.
probe add [net_name] [-pinname pin_name] [-targetpins pin_number1 pin_number2] [-usedpin pin_number][-noroute]
probe change [-pinname] net_or_pin_name attr_name1 attr_value1 attr_name2 attr_value2
probe {route|unroute|delete|list} [-pinname] net_or_pin_name
probe {route|unroute|delete|list] [-all]
probe save probe_script_name
pinname | Specifies the IOB name; if not specified, the net name is used with a PROBE_ prefix |
targetpins | Specifies the list of sites to try when routing the probe |
usedpin | Route the probe to the specified pin |
noroute | Probe is not routed |
probe add DATA7 -targetpins P121
probe add DATA6 -pinname C2.G1 -targetpins P122
Use the Quit! command to exit the FPGA Editor without saving your design changes. You will not be prompted to save any design changes.
Use the Record command to record a series of commands into a script file. You can also use this command to create a script file that, when played back, replicates the current design or macro.
record [-r][scriptfile_name]
-r | Writes routing commands into the script file |
scriptfile_name | Specifies the script file name; if a file name is not specified, design_name.scr is used |
Use the Refresh command to redraw the main window and write the most recent commands into the command log file.
Use the Route command to route a series of specified connections.
To route a signal between Pin Y on LB1 and Pin O on LB2, follow these steps. Use the following figure as reference.
Use the Save command to save your design or macro.
save [design_name [pcffile_name]]
save design [design_name pcffile_name]]
save macro [macro_name]
Use the Select command to select an object without using the mouse.
select [-k][-id]{comp|pin|net|node|layer|path|macro|
site|wire} name
select [-k] route net_name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000
select [-k] layer_name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000 xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000
select [-k] layer_name name xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000
-k | Maintains the selection of an object that is already selected. If the -k option is not used, a previously selected object is unselected with the Select command. |
name | Specifies the name of the object you want to select |
layer_name | Specifies the name of the graphical layer you want to select |
xpos, ypos | Specifies screen coordinates |
-id | Specifies the id number of the component you want to select |
To select the LB1 component, enter the following.
select comp LB1
To select the site layer, enter the following.
select layer sites
Use the Setattr command to set attributes for a specified object. You can specify more than one attribute name/value pair in a single command. Non-constraint attributes with two opposing values (for example, TRUE/FALSE) can be toggled with the TOGGLE option.
Note: Attribute names and values are case insensitive, and dashes and underscores are interpreted as the same character.
setattr {main|find|list} attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2
setattr {net|comp|site|layer|path|pin} name attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2
setattr attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2
name | Specifies the name of the object |
attrname | Specifies the valid attribute name for the specified object |
attrvalue | Specifies the appropriate value for the attribute name specified |
Object | Name | Attribute Name | Value Expected |
main | N/A | speed clknets_period temperature voltage process | Enter post new at the command line to display the New dialog box. Select the Part button to view the speed grades for a device. |
edit_mode | read-only | read-write| no-logic-changes | ||
flush_rate | number_of_commands | ||
auto_deselect | true | false | toggle | ||
auto_hilite | true | false | toggle | ||
auto_post | true | false | toggle | ||
stub_trim | true | false | toggle | ||
auto_route | true | false | toggle | ||
enhanced_routing | true | false | toggle | ||
delay_based | true | false | toggle | ||
disable_draw | true | false | toggle | ||
lock_routing | on | off | ||
penalize_tilde | percentage | off | ||
allnets_maxdelay | nanoseconds | off | ||
clknets_period | nanoseconds | off | ||
clknets_maxskew | nanoseconds | off | ||
allpaths_maxdelay | nanoseconds | off | ||
asyncpaths_block | on | off | ||
find | N/A | type | comp | net | site | pin |
name | text string | ||
auto_clear | true | false | toggle | ||
auto_pan | true | false | toggle | ||
net | net_name | name | text string |
route_status | routed | unrouted | ||
number_of_pins | number | ||
pin_list | list | ||
lock | on | off | ||
block | on | off | ||
prioritize | 0-100 | off | ||
maxdelay | nanoseconds | off | ||
maxskew | nanoseconds | off | ||
period | nanoseconds | off | ||
paths | path name(s) | ||
comp | comp_name | name | text string |
type | type name | ||
designator | site name | ||
lock | on | off | ||
locate | on | off | ||
paths | path names | ||
offset | on | off | ||
offset comp1 | text string | ||
offset comp2 | text string | ||
offset order | before | after | ||
offset direction | in | out | ||
offset time | nanoseconds | ||
base | F | FG | FGM | IO | ||
config | text string | ||
carry (XC4000 only) feqn geqn heqn (XC4000 only) | text string text string text string | ||
layer | layer name (for example, components, hilite, and so forth.) | color | black | blue | green | cyan | red | magenta | yellow | white | grey | dark blue | dark green| dark cyan | dark red | dark magenta | olive |
view | on | off | toggle | ||
block | on | off | ||
lock | on | off | ||
maxskew | nanoseconds | off | ||
prioritize | 1-100 | off | ||
macro | macro_name | name lock locate | text_string on | off on | off |
Enter the following to set the global period attributes.
setattr main clknets_period period [:low | high: duration]
Period | Specifies the total period |
low | high | Specifies whether the first pulse is low or high |
duration | Specifies the duration of the first pulse in nanoseconds |
Use the following command to generate the PERIOD 50.000000 nS constraint.
setattr main clknets_period 50
Use the following command to generate the PERIOD 50.000000 nS LOW 10.000000 ns constraint.
setattr main clknets_period 50:low:10
Use the following syntax to set the period attribute for a selected net.
setattr period [: low | high : duration]
For example (assuming net $1--T5 is selected), the following commands generate the following constraints.
setattr period 50
PERIOD NET $1--T5 50.000000 ns ;
setattr period 50:low:10
PERIOD NET $1--T5 50.000000 ns LOW 10.000000 ns ;
To set the main window Automatic Routing Option attribute to true, enter the following.
setattr main auto_route TRUE
To toggle the value for the main window Automatic Routing Option attribute, enter the following.
setattr main auto_route TOGGLE
The following command sets the priority to 3 and the locked attribute to FALSE for the net Q1.
setattr net Q1 priority 3 lock OFF
The following command sets the locked attribute to true for the component selected.
setattr lock ON
The following command sets the color and visibility attributes for the component layer.
setattr layer components color blue view on
Use the Setwin command to set window related attributes, such as position and size.
setwin [-c] name attrname1 attrvalue1 attrname2 attrvalue2
-c | Use this option to create a new window |
name | Specifies the name of a window as it appears in the window's title bar |
attrname | Specifies the valid attribute name for the window (x, y, w, or h) |
attrvalue | Specifies the appropriate value for the specified attribute; for x, y, w, or h it must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. This is a percentage of the client or work space area (the main window area that includes the Array, List, and World windows) width or height. |
To move the List1 window to the left hand side of the client (or work space) area, enter the following.
setwin list1 x 0 y 0 w 50 h 100
To create an Array2 window on the right hand side of the client (or work space) area, enter the following.
setwin -c array2 x 50 y 0 w 50 h 100
Use the Swap command to change the placement of a selected component with that of another selected component. You can also use this command to swap two net pins on a component.
Use the Trace command to view a timing report in the history area for constraints you select in the List window.
trace [-r][-e][-l limit]
-r | Prevents a timing report from being written to the history area |
-e | Generates a timing error report for the selected constraints. If -e is not specified, a verbose report is issued |
-l | Specifies a limit to the number of errors or verbose output for each selected constraint. Default is 5. The limit is from 0 to 32000 |
The following command directs TRACE to do timing analysis on selected constraints and generate a timing error report. It limits the number of errors reported for each selected constraint.
trace -e -l 5
Use the Unalias command to remove a defined command alias. You can use the Unalias command on more than one alias at a time.
unalias [-all] aliasname1 [aliasname2]
-all | Removes all aliases |
aliasname | Specifies the name of an existing alias |
The following command removes the two_in alias.
unalias two_in
Use this command to separate macro components and nets from the selected macro.
select macro foo
Use the Unbutton command to remove an existing User toolbar button. You can use the Unbutton command to remove more than one button at a time.
unbutton [-all] button_name1 [button_name2]
-all | Removes all buttons |
button_name | Specifies the name of the button to be removed |
Use the Unhilite command to remove highlighting from currently selected objects or from objects specified in the Command Line toolbar.
unhilite [-all]
unhilite traceerror pcf_index error_index
-all | Specifies that all highlighted objects are to be unhighlighted |
traceerror | Indicates an error discovered by TRACE |
pcf_index | Position of the constraint within the constraint file and the List window. For example, the first constraint listed is number 0, and so on |
error_index | Position of the error in the TRACE Error dialog box. The first error listed is number 0, and so on |
The following command removes highlighting from all highlighted objects.
unhilite -all
The following command removes highlighting from pin HG.K.
unhilite pin HG.K
Use the Unplace command to remove some or all placed components and macros from their sites. If components are connected to routed nets, these nets are unrouted from the components before they are unplaced.
unplace [-all]
-all | Unplaces all placed components and macros except those that are locked |
To unplace comp1, enter the following.
unplace comp1
Use the Unpost command to close all or some dialog boxes, property sheets, windows, or toolbars.
unpost [-all]
unpost [attr] main
unpost [attr] {net|comp|site|pin|layer|path|macro|
wire} name
unpost {cmd|history|standard|status|user|view}
unpost window_name [key]
The allowable dialog box, property sheet, window, or toolbar name and key entries are listed in the following table.
Dialog Box Name | Description |
addmacro | Closes and cancels the Add Macro dialog box. |
autoplcp|autoplaceall | Closes and cancels the Autoplace All Components dialog box. |
autortcp|autorouteall | Closes and cancels the Autoroute All Nets dialog box. |
cmd | Closes and cancels the Command Line toolbar. |
comp comp_name | Closes and cancels the Component Properties property sheet. |
drcform|drc | Closes and cancels the DRC dialog box. |
find | Closes and cancels the Find dialog box. |
open | Closes and cancels the Open Design dialog box. |
playback | Closes and cancels the Script Playback dialog box. |
record | Closes and cancels the Script dialog box. |
save | Closes and cancels the Save As dialog box. |
layer layer_name | Closes and cancels the Layer Attributes dialog box. |
macnew | Closes and cancels the New Macro dialog box. |
macopen | Closes and cancels the Open Macro dialog box. |
macro | Closes and cancels the Macro Properties property sheet. |
macsave | Closes and cancels the Save As macro dialog box. |
main | Closes and cancels the Main Window constraints dialog box. |
net net_name | Closes and cancels the Net Properties property sheet. |
new | Closes and cancels the New Design dialog box. |
path path_name | Closes and cancels the Path Properties property sheet. |
pin pin_name | Closes and cancels the Pin Properties property sheet; pin_name is site pinname |
site site_name | Closes and cancels the Site Properties property sheet. |
trace | Closes and cancels the TRACE dialog box. |
tracesum | Closes and cancels the TRACE Summary dialog box. |
traceerr | Closes and cancels all TRACE error dialog boxes. |
view | Closes and cancels the Layer Visibility toolbar. |
wire | Closes and cancels all Wire Properties property sheets. |
The available selections for layer name are components, hilite, local lines, long lines, pinwires, pips, ratsnests, routes, select, sites, switch boxes, text.
The variable_name identifies the specific object within the layer.
The following command closes the Main Properties property sheet.
unpost main
The following command closes the Component Properties property sheet for LB12.
unpost comp LB12
The following command closes all Component Properties property sheets.
unpost comp
The following command closes all dialog boxes.
unpost -all
Use the Unroute command to unroute all or selected objects in your design except locked nets.
unroute [-all]
-all | Unroutes your entire design |
Use this command to unselect all or selected objects in your design.
unselect [-all] | {comp|pin|net|node|layer|path|
macro|site|wire} [-id] name
-all | Unselects all selected objects in your design |
-id | Specifies an index value for name |
name | Specifies the name of the object; if the -id option is used, name is an index value |
Use the Zoom command to adjust the magnification of the display in the Array window. If you have more than one array view open at a time, the zoom command applies to the last activated one.
zoom {in|out} [far][@cursor]
zoom {in|out}[xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000]
zoom toggle [@cursor]
zoom toggle [xpos:-32000, 32000 ypos:-32000, 32000]
zoom selection
@cursor | Zooms the display centered around the spot in the window where you click the mouse button. If you do not specify this, the zoom takes place centered around the point in the center of the window. |
far | Zooms all the way in or out. |
selection | Zooms to the nearest setting that surrounds the selected object. |