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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing the FPGA Editor

Customizing with Command Scripts

A script is a series of commands that you can record and play back.

Recording a Script

Use the following steps to record a script.

  1. If the script is going to be used on objects that will change each time you run the script, you must first select the objects you want the script to process.

  2. Select the following commands to display the Script Record dialog box.

    Tools Scripts Begin Recording

    Figure 7.1 Script Record Dialog Box

  3. Enter a name in the Script File Name field, or press the browse button and use the Save As dialog box to specify the name and directory. Script files use a .scr extension. If you do not include an extension, the system adds this extension to your file name.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Enter the series of commands that you want to record on the command line, from the pull-down menus, and so on.

    Note: The Script Record dialog box does not allow nested scripts. If you attempt to record a script within a script using the Script Record dialog box, you will get an error message. However, you can manually edit a script file to use nested scripts.

  6. To finish recording the script, select the following.

    Tools Scripts End Recording

Playing Back a Script

  1. If the script commands are performed on selected objects, you must first select these objects.

  2. Select the following to display the Script Playback dialog box.

    Tools Scripts Playback

    Figure 7.2 Script Playback Dialog Box

  3. Enter the script file name in the Script File Name field, or press the browse button and use the Open dialog box to select the file.

  4. Select the Playback Options to specify the following.

  5. Select OK.

    The commands in the script are performed on the selected objects.