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LogiBLOX Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction

Schematic Design Flow

To use the program in a schematic-based environment, follow these steps.

  1. Invoke the Module Selector from within your design entry tool.

    Note: For Cadence, the Module Selector must be invoked outside the schematic environment.

  2. Specify your project directory using the LogiBLOX Setup window.

  3. Select a base module type (for example, Counter, Memory, or Shift-register)

  4. Customize the module by selecting pins and specifying attributes.

  5. After completely specifying a module, click OK. Clicking OK initiates the generation of a schematic symbol and a simulation model for the selected module.

  6. Place the module on your schematic.

  7. Connect the LogiBLOX module to the other components on your schematic using ordinary nets, buses, or both.

  8. Functionally simulate your design at any time.

  9. Implement your design with the Xilinx implementation tools.

  10. To simulate your design post-layout, convert your design to a timing annotated netlist and use the back-annotation flow appropriate to your CAE tools to generate a timing simulation netlist.