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LogiBLOX Guide
Chapter 3: Understanding Attributes

OE Phase

The attribute OE_PHASE is used to control the function of Output Enable pin in the Tristate buffer and I/O modules. Its possible values are ACTIVE_LOW and ACTIVE_HIGH.

If OE_PHASE is ACTIVE LOW, then when OE_ENABLE is LOW, the Output = Input, and when OE_ENABLE is HIGH, the Output= High Impedance.

If OE_PHASE is ACTIVE HIGH, then when OE_ENABLE is HIGH, the Output = Input, and when OE_ENABLE = LOW, the Output= High Impedance

For the XC3000, XC4000, XC5200, and Spartan families, the only allowed value of OE_PHASE is ACTIVE_LOW. For XC9500, the only allowed value is ACTIVE_HIGH. For XC9500XL, you can set the value to either ACTIVE_LOW or ACTIVE_HIGH.