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LogiBLOX Guide
Chapter 4: Module Descriptions


This section describes the generic bused gate functions of LogiBLOX. Bused gate functions are defined as generalizations of the common logic primitives: AND, INVERT, NAND, NOR, OR, XNOR, and XOR. Except for the INVERT function, each of these can be implemented in three different ways, depending on the number and type of inputs.

Figure 4.32 The Simple Gates Module

The following functions are described for the AND gate, but the same bus expansion criteria apply to the other functions.

Type 1 AND gate: O = A0A1A(n-1)

Figure 4.33 Type 1 AND Gate: Symbol and Logic Diagram

Type 2 AND gate: On = A Bn

Figure 4.34 Type 2 AND Gate: Symbol and Logic Diagram

Type 3 AND gate: On = An Bn

Figure 4.35 Type 3 AND Gate: Symbol and Logic Diagram

You can use the inversions of these logic functions by connecting an INVERT module to the outputs. You can also invert individual inputs (active Low) by using the Inversion Mask attribute associated with each module or specify which individual inputs will be active High with the Decode Mask attribute. See the “Inverting and Decoding Masks for Gated Modules” section of the “Understanding Attributes” chapter for more information.

INVERT gate: On = !An

Figure 4.36 INVERT gate: Symbol and Logic Diagram


Logic Type (OPTYPE)

To select the type of logic, click on the radio button located under the type of logic you want. The following descriptions use the AND module for an example, but the logic applies to all of the Simple Gates modules except the INVERT module.

Usage: This attribute does not apply to the INVERT module.

Gate Type (module)

Use this attribute to select the type of gate: AND, INVERT, NAND, NOR, OR, XNOR, or XOR.

Input Buses (INPUT_BUSES)

Specifies the number of Input buses (m) of the module.

Usage: This attribute applies to Type 3 modules only. Its value must be in the range 2-8.

Style (STYLE)

Style defines the implementation style (area or speed preference).

Usage: This attribute does not apply to the INVERT module. For more information, see the “Implementation Styles” section of the “Understanding Attributes” chapter.

Inversion Mask (INVMASK)

A High level on this attribute inverts the input of the gate. See the “Inverting and Decoding Masks for Gated Modules” section of the “Understanding Attributes” chapter for more information.

Usage: This attribute does not apply to Type 3 modules.

Decode Mask (DECODEMASK)

A Low level on this attribute inverts the input value. See the “Inverting and Decoding Masks for Gated Modules” section of the “Understanding Attributes” chapter for more information.

Usage: This attribute does not apply to Type 3 modules.