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Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide

Appendix B

Report Files

This appendix includes report files from various synthesis vendors. To reduce the size of this appendix, some of the files are truncated (indicated by a series of dots) where information is repeated. This appendix contains the following sections.


Synplicity® report files include the following.

Note: The report file in this section is for a design compiled with the VHDL compiler. A report file for a design compiled with the Verilog compiler is essentially the same.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="atm_chip1_ed.log"

$ Start of Compile
#Mon Jan 12 07:59:16 1998

Synplify VHDL Compiler, version 3.0b, built Dec 17 1997
Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved

VHDL syntax check successful!

Compiler output is up to date. No re-compile necessary

Synthesizing work.acc_chip.schematic
@N:"e:\customer\atm\lcl_int1.vhd":73:6:73:7|Trying to extract state machine for register wr_state_o
Extracted state machine for register wr_state_o
State machine has 4 reachable states with original encodings of:
@N:"e:\customer\atm\lcl_int1.vhd":73:6:73:7|Trying to extract state machine for register rd_state_o
Extracted state machine for register rd_state_o
State machine has 5 reachable states with original encodings of:
Post processing for work.acc_chip.schematic
Process took 0.371 seconds realtime, 0.371 seconds cputime
Synplify Xilinx Technology Mapper, version 3.0b, built Dec 21 1997
Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
Setting fanout limit to 100
@N:"e:\customer\atm\token1.vhd":103:8:103:9|Found counter in view:work.TOKEN(vhdl_rtl) inst token_cntr[5:0]
@N:"e:\customer\atm\rx_agen1.vhd":61:6:61:7|Found counter in view:work.RX_ADD_GEN(vhdl_rtl) inst rx_20_add[18:0]
@N:"e:\customer\atm\rx_agen1.vhd":61:6:61:7|Found counter in view:work.RX_ADD_GEN(vhdl_rtl) inst rx_10_add[18:0]
@N:"e:\customer\atm\slw_clk1.vhd":21:10:21:11|Found counter in view:work.SLOW_CLOCKS(vhdl_rtl) inst slow_counter[16:0]
@N:"e:\customer\atm\mngmnt1.vhd":998:4:998:5|Found counter in view:work.MNGMNT(vhdl_rtl) inst tx_frame_cntr[11:0]
@N:"e:\customer\atm\mngmnt1.vhd":931:4:931:5|Found counter in view:work.MNGMNT(vhdl_rtl) inst rx_frame_cntr[11:0]

Clock Buffers:
Inserting Clock buffer for port CLK_20M_SMP_I,TNM=CLK_20M_SMP_I
Inserting Clock buffer for port CPU_WR_N_I,TNM=CPU_WR_N_I
Inserting Clock buffer for port CLK_40M_P_I,TNM=CLK_40M_P_I
Inserting Clock buffer for port CLK_40M_S2_I,TNM=CLK_40M_S2_I

Net buffering Report:
No nets needed buffering.

Timing reports
Delay - This is the delay from a start point
such as a register or primary input.
Slack - If this value is negative then it indicates
the size of the timing violation.
FO - This is the estimated fanout or loading
used in calculating net delays

Requested default timing:
Frequency=15.0 MHz, Period=66.7 ns
Estimated result:
Frequency=16.7 MHz, Period=60.0 ns
Slack on longest path: 6.7 ns

Timing Information for Longest Paths:

Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base0_reg20[12], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_0_base0_reg20_4[12]Delay=60.4,
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base0_reg20[18], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_0_base0_reg20_4[18]Delay=59.8,
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base0_reg20[15], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_0_base0_reg20_4[15]Delay=59.0,
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base3_reg20[15], cell DFFRE
D I - Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.N_1956Delay=58.6, Slack=8.5
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base0_reg20[11], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_0_base0_reg20_4[11]Delay=58.4,
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base3_reg20[13], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_3_base3_reg20_4[13]Delay=58.3,
Instance: Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.base1_reg20[13], cell DFFRE
D I -Z_40ACCCHIPZ_32TXD2PZ_41.sync_tx20_1_base1_reg20_4[13]Delay=58.3,




Resource Usage Report

Mapping to part: 40125xvbg560-1
I/O primitives:
OBUF 98 uses
IBUF 43 uses
OUTFF INIT=R 14 uses
INFF INIT=R 10 uses

BUFG 4 uses

Carry primitives used for arithmetic functions:
INC-FG-1 11 uses
INC-FG-CI 121 uses
FORCE-0 14 uses
ADD-FG-CI 183 uses
EXAMINE-CI 55 uses
FORCE-1 30 uses
ADD-G-F1 4 uses
SUB-FG-CI 180 uses
DEC-FG-0 3 uses
DEC-FG-CI 12 uses

Register bits not including I/Os: 1258
Logic Mapping Summary:
FMAPs: 3059 of 9248 (34%)
HMAPs: 647 of 4624 (14%)
Total packed CLBs: 1530 of 4624 (34%)
(Packed CLBs is determined by the larger of three quantities:
Registers / 2, HMAPs, or FMAPs / 2.)

Mapper successful!
Process took 169.984 seconds realtime, 169.984 seconds cputime

Exemplar Logic

The area section of the Exemplar Logic report includes area utilization information for FMAPs, HMAPs, CLBs, IO buffers, and IOB registers. The timing section of the report lists the predicted timing of the critical path, and shows the number of levels of logic and buffers.

Summary Report

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ram.sum"


Cell: mem View: behav Library: work


Total accumulated area :
Number of FG Function Generators : 4
Number of Packed CLBs : 1
Number of IBUF : 9
Number of OBUF : 1
Number of IOB Output Flip Flops : 2

Number of ports : 10
Number of nets : 24
Number of instances : 17
Number of references to this view : 0

Cell Library References Total Area

F2_LUT xi4ex 2 x 1 2 FG Function Generators
OFDTX xi4ex 2 x 1 2 IOB Output Flip Flops
OBUF xi4ex 1 x 1 1 OBUF
GND xi4ex 1 x 1 1 GND
IBUF xi4ex 9 x 1 9 IBUF
RAM16x1S xi4ex 2 x 1 2 FG Function Generators

Using wire table: 4052ex-3_avg

Slack Table at End Points

End points Slack Arrival Required
rise fall rise fall

ix328_l5_1_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/D : n/a 20.02 20.92 n/a n/a
ix328_l5_0_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/D : n/a 20.02 20.92 n/a n/a
dio(0)/ : n/a 15.90 16.80 n/a n/a
dio(1)/ : n/a 15.90 16.80 n/a n/a
ix328_l5_1_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/WE : n/a 11.80 11.80 n/a n/a
ix328_l5_0_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/WE : n/a 11.80 11.80 n/a n/a
ix328_reg_q(1)_O1/D : n/a 9.12 9.12 n/a n/a
ix328_reg_q(0)_O1/D : n/a 9.12 9.12 n/a n/a
ro/ : n/a 8.55 8.55 n/a n/a
ix328_l5_0_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/WCLK : n/a 7.06 7.06 n/a n/a

Critical Path Report

Critical path #1, (unconstrained path)
we/ 0.00 up 2.32
ix351/O IBUF 4.12 up 2.94
ix328_nx4/O F2_LUT 8.86 up 2.94
ix328_reg_q(0)_O1/O OFDTX 16.80 dn 2.94
ix328_reg_q(0)_I1/O IBUF 18.60 dn 2.32
ix328_l5_0_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/D RAM16x1S 20.92 dn 0.00
data arrival time 20.92

data required time not specified
data required time not specified
data arrival time 20.92
unconstrained path

Critical path #2, (unconstrained path)
meme/ 0.00 up 2.32
ix352/O IBUF 4.12 up 2.94
ix328_nx4/O F2_LUT 8.86 up 2.94
ix328_reg_q(0)_O1/O OFDTX 16.80 dn 2.94
ix328_reg_q(0)_I1/O IBUF 18.60 dn 2.32
ix328_l5_0_l0_l0_0_l0_l0/D RAM16x1S 20.92 dn 0.00
data arrival time 20.92

data required time not specified
data required time not specified
data arrival time 20.92
unconstrained path





Log Report

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ram.log"

C:\Program Files\Exemplar Logic\Galileo 4.2\bin\win32\gc.exe \
F:/rel4.2/example/ram.vhd F:/rel4.2/example/ram.edf -input_format=VHDL \
-target=xi4ex -output_format=EDIF -area -effort=quick \
-edif_timing_file=F:/rel4.2/example/ram.tim -encoding=OneHot -wire_tree=Worst \
-nocontrol -vhdl_93 -process=3 -wire_table=4052ex-3_avg -chip
Galileo - V4.2 (build 2.01, compiled Dec 19 1997 at 16:48:48)
Copyright 1990-1996 Exemplar Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.

Checking Security ...
Info: setting encoding to OneHot
Info: setting process to 3
Info: setting wire_tree to Worst
Info: setting wire_table to 4052ex-3_avg
-- Welcome to Galileo
-- Run By massoumi@WACO
-- Run Started On Tue Jan 13 11:05:09 Pacific Daylight Time 1998
-- read -format VHDL {F:/rel4.2/example/ram.vhd}
-- Reading file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\standard.vhd for unit standard
-- Loading package standard into library std
-- Reading vhdl file F:/rel4.2/example/ram.vhd into library work
-- Reading file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\std_1164.vhd for unit std_logic_1164
-- Loading package std_logic_1164 into library ieee
-- Reading file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\ex_1164.vhd for unit exemplar_1164
-- Loading package exemplar_1164 into library exemplar
-- Reading file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\exemplar.vhd for unit exemplar
-- Loading package exemplar into library exemplar
-- Loading package my_pkg into library work
-- Loading entity mem into library work
-- Loading architecture behav of mem into library work
"F:/rel4.2/example/ram.vhd",line 20: Warning, output ro is never assigned a value.
-- Compiling root entity mem(behav)
-- Reading target technology xi4ex
Reading library file `C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\lib\xi4ex.syn`...
Library version = 0.9
Delays assume: Process=3
-- Pre Optimizing Design .work.mem.behav
INFO: Using Ram Cell ram_io_inclock_outclock_2_3_8.
-- Read Module Generators
-- Reading module generator description from file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\modgen\xi4e.vhd
-- Reading vhdl file C:\PROGRA~1\EXEMPL~1\GALILE~1.2\data\modgen\xi4e.vhd into library OPERATORS
-- Modgen File xi4e.vhd Version 4.20
-- Resolving Modgen With modgen_select "small"
-- Start module generator resolving for design .work.mem.behav
-- Resolving function ram_io with module generator ram_io_2_3_8_true_true_false from file xi4e.vhd
-- optimize -target xi4ex -effort quick -chip -area
-- Start optimization for design .work.mem.behav
Using wire table: 4052ex-3_avg

Pass Area Delay DFFs PIs POs --CPU--
(FGs) (ns) min:sec
1 2 17 2 7 3 00:00
Info, setting outputs in top level view 'behav' to fast.
Using wire table: 4052ex-3_avg
-- Start timing optimization for design .work.mem.behav

Latest arrival time at primary output: 20.9 ns
Latest arrival time at register input: 20.9 ns

Forcing timing constraints at all end points: 18.8 ns

Initial Timing Optimization Statistics:

Most Critical Slack    :       -2.1
Sum of Negative Slacks : -4.2
Longest Path : 20.9 ns
Area : 2.0

Final Timing Optimization Statistics:

Most Critical Slack : -2.1
Sum of Negative Slacks : -4.2
Longest Path : 20.9 ns
Area : 2.0

Total time taken : 0 cpu secs
Using wire table: 4052ex-3_avg
-- Start timespec generation for design .work.mem.behav


Cell: mem View: behav Library: work


Number of ports : 10
Number of nets : 24
Number of instances : 17
Number of references to this view : 0

Total accumulated area :
Number of FG Function Generators : 4
Number of Packed CLBs : 1
Number of IBUF : 9
Number of OBUF : 1
Number of IOB Output Flip Flops : 2

-- Writing file F:/rel4.2/example/ram.edf
-- CPU time taken for this run was 29.55 sec
-- Run ended On Tue Jan 13 11:05:37 Pacific Daylight Time 1998
-- Galileo run successfully completed. Goodbye !

Synopsys FPGA Express

FPGA Express™ reports include information on the following.