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Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide
Chapter 2: HDL Coding Hints

Comparing Synthesis and Simulation Results

VHDL and Verilog are hardware description and simulation languages that were not originally intended as input to synthesis. Therefore, many hardware description and simulation constructs are not supported by synthesis tools. In addition, the various synthesis tools use different subsets of VHDL and Verilog. VHDL and Verilog semantics are well defined for design simulation. The synthesis tools must adhere to these semantics to ensure that designs simulate the same way before and after synthesis. Follow the guidelines presented below to create code that simulates the same way before and after synthesis.

Omit the Wait for XX ns Statement

Do not use the Wait for XX ns statement in your code. XX specifies the number of nanoseconds that must pass before a condition is executed. This statement does not synthesize to a component. In designs that include this statement, the functionality of the simulated design does not match the functionality of the synthesized design. VHDL and Verilog examples of the Wait for XX ns statement are as follows.

Omit the ...After XX ns or Delay Statement

Do not use the ...After XX ns statement in your VHDL code or the Delay assignment in your Verilog code. Examples of these statements are as follows.

XX specifies the number of nanoseconds that must pass before a condition is executed. This statement is usually ignored by the synthesis tool. In this case, the functionality of the simulated design does not match the functionality of the synthesized design.

Use Case and If-Else Statements

You can use If-Else statements, Case statements, or other conditional code to create state machines or other conditional logic. These statements implement the functions differently, however, the simulated designs are identical. The If-Else statement generally specifies priority-encoded logic and the Case statement generally specifies balanced behavior. The If-Else statement can, in some cases, result in a slower circuit overall. These statements vary with the synthesis tool. Refer to the “Comparing If Statement and Case Statement” section of this chapter for more information.

Order and Group Arithmetic Functions

The ordering and grouping of arithmetic functions can influence design performance. For example, the following two VHDL statements are not necessarily equivalent.

ADD <= A1 + A2 + A3 + A4;
ADD <= (A1 + A2) + (A3 + A4);

For Verilog, the following two statements are not necessarily equivalent.

ADD = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4;
ADD = (A1 + A2) + (A3 + A4);

The first statement cascades three adders in series. The second statement creates two adders in parallel: A1 + A2 and A3 + A4. In the second statement, the two additions are evaluated in parallel and the results are combined with a third adder. RTL simulation results are the same for both statements, however, the second statement results in a faster circuit after synthesis (depending on the bit width of the input signals).

Although the second statement generally results in a faster circuit, in some cases, you may want to use the first statement. For example, if the A4 signal reaches the adder later than the other signals, the first statement produces a faster implementation because the cascaded structure creates fewer logic levels for A4. This structure allows A4 to catch up to the other signals. In this case, A1 is the fastest signal followed by A2 and A3; A4 is the slowest signal.

Most synthesis tools can balance or restructure the arithmetic operator tree if timing constraints require it. However, Xilinx recommends that you code your design for your selected structure.

Omit Initial Values

Do not assign signals and variables initial values because initial values are ignored by most synthesis tools. The functionality of the simulated design may not match the functionality of the synthesized design.

For example, do not use initialization statements like the following VHDL and Verilog statements.