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Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide
Chapter 2: HDL Coding Hints

Using Schematic Design Hints with HDL Designs

This section describes how to apply schematic entry design strategies to HDL designs.

Barrel Shifter Design

The schematic version of the barrel shifter design is included in the “Multiplexers and Barrel Shifters in XC3000/XC3100” application note (XAPP 026.001) available on the Xilinx web site at In this example, two levels of multiplexers are used to increase the speed of a 16-bit barrel shifter. This design is for XC3000 and XC3100 device families; however, it can also be used for other Xilinx devices.

The following VHDL and Verilog examples show a 16-bit barrel shifter implemented using sixteen 16-to-1 multiplexers, one for each output. A 16-to-1 multiplexer is a 20-input function with 16 data inputs and four select inputs. When targeting an FPGA device based on 4-input lookup tables (such as XC4000 and XC3000 family of devices), a 20-input function requires at least five logic blocks. Therefore, the minimum design size is 80 (16 x 5) logic blocks.

16-bit Barrel Shifter (VHDL)

-- VHDL Model for a 16-bit Barrel Shifter --
-- barrel_org.vhd --
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --
-- May 1997 --
-- USE barrel.vhd --

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;

entity barrel_org is
port (S:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
A_P:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
B_P:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0));
end barrel_org;

architecture RTL of barrel_org is

SHIFT: process (S, A_P)
case S is
when “0000” =>
B_P <= A_P;

when “0001” =>
B_P(14 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 1);
B_P(15) <= A_P(0);

when “0010” =>
B_P(13 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 2);
B_P(15 downto 14) <= A_P(1 downto 0);

when “0011” =>
B_P(12 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 3);
B_P(15 downto 13) <= A_P(2 downto 0);

when “0100” =>
B_P(11 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 4);
B_P(15 downto 12) <= A_P(3 downto 0);

when “0101” =>
B_P(10 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 5);
B_P(15 downto 11) <= A_P(4 downto 0);

when “0110” =>
B_P(9 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 6);
B_P(15 downto 10) <= A_P(5 downto 0);

when “0111” =>
B_P(8 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 7);
B_P(15 downto 9) <= A_P(6 downto 0);

when “1000” =>
B_P(7 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 8);
B_P(15 downto 8) <= A_P(7 downto 0);

when “1001” =>
B_P(6 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 9);
B_P(15 downto 7) <= A_P(8 downto 0);

when “1010” =>
B_P(5 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 10);
B_P(15 downto 6) <= A_P(9 downto 0);

when “1011” =>
B_P(4 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 11);
B_P(15 downto 5) <= A_P(10 downto 0);

when “1100” =>
B_P(3 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 12);
B_P(15 downto 4) <= A_P(11 downto 0);

when “1101” =>
B_P(2 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 13);
B_P(15 downto 3) <= A_P(12 downto 0);

when “1110” =>
B_P(1 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 14);
B_P(15 downto 2) <= A_P(13 downto 0);

when “1111” =>
B_P(0) <= A_P(15);
B_P(15 downto 1) <= A_P(14 downto 0);

when others =>
B_P <= A_P;
end case;
end process; -- End SHIFT

end RTL;

16-bit Barrel Shifter (Verilog)

// BARREL_ORG.V Version 1.0 //
// Xilinx HDL Synthesis Design Guide //
// Unoptimized model for a 16-bit Barrel Shifter //
// Use BARREL.V //
// January 1998 //

module barrel_org (S, A_P, B_P);

input [3:0] S;
input [15:0] A_P;
output [15:0] B_P;

reg [15:0] B_P;

always @ (A_P or S)
case (S)
4'b0000 : // Shift by 0
B_P <= A_P;

4'b0001 : // Shift by 1
B_P[15] <= A_P[0];
B_P[14:0] <= A_P[15:1];

4'b0010 : // Shift by 2
B_P[15:14] <= A_P[1:0];
B_P[13:0] <= A_P[15:2];

4'b0011 : // Shift by 3
B_P[15:13] <= A_P[2:0];
B_P[12:0] <= A_P[15:3];

4'b0100 : // Shift by 4
B_P[15:12] <= A_P[3:0];
B_P[11:0] <= A_P[15:4];

4'b0101 : // Shift by 5
B_P[15:11] <= A_P[4:0];
B_P[10:0] <= A_P[15:5];

4'b0110 : // Shift by 6
B_P[15:10] <= A_P[5:0];
B_P[9:0] <= A_P[15:6];

4'b0111 : // Shift by 7
B_P[15:9] <= A_P[6:0];
B_P[8:0] <= A_P[15:7];
4'b1000 : // Shift by 8
B_P[15:8] <= A_P[7:0];
B_P[7:0] <= A_P[15:8];

4'b1001 : // Shift by 9
B_P[15:7] <= A_P[8:0];
B_P[6:0] <= A_P[15:9];

4'b1010 : // Shift by 10
B_P[15:6] <= A_P[9:0];
B_P[5:0] <= A_P[15:10];

4'b1011 : // Shift by 11
B_P[15:5] <= A_P[10:0];
B_P[4:0] <= A_P[15:11];

4'b1100 : // Shift by 12
B_P[15:4] <= A_P[11:0];
B_P[3:0] <= A_P[15:12];

4'b1101 : // Shift by 13
B_P[15:3] <= A_P[12:0];
B_P[2:0] <= A_P[15:13];

4'b1110 : // Shift by 14
B_P[15:2] <= A_P[13:0];
B_P[1:0] <= A_P[15:14];

4'b1111 : // Shift by 15
B_P[15:1] <= A_P[14:0];
B_P[0] <= A_P[15];

default :
B_P <= A_P;


The following modified VHDL and Verilog designs use two levels of multiplexers and are twice as fast as the previous designs. These designs are implemented using 32 4-to-1 multiplexers arranged in two levels of sixteen. The first level rotates the input data by 0, 1, 2, or 3 bits and the second level rotates the data by 0, 4, 8, or 12 bits. Since you can build a 4-to-1 multiplexer with a single CLB, the minimum size of this version of the design is 32 (32 x 1) CLBs.

16-bit Barrel Shifter with Two Levels of Multiplexers (VHDL)

-- Based on XAPP 26 (see
-- 16-bit barrel shifter (shift right)
-- May 1997

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;

entity barrel is
port (S: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
A_P: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
B_P: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0));
end barrel;

architecture RTL of barrel is

signal SEL1,SEL2: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
signal C: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);

FIRST_LVL: process (A_P, SEL1)
case SEL1 is
when “00” => -- Shift by 0
C <= A_P;

when “01” => -- Shift by 1
C(15) <= A_P(0);
C(14 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 1);

when “10” => -- Shift by 2
C(15 downto 14) <= A_P(1 downto 0);
C(13 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 2);

when “11” => -- Shift by 3
C(15 downto 13) <= A_P(2 downto 0);
C(12 downto 0) <= A_P(15 downto 3);

when others =>
C <= A_P;
end case;
end process; --End FIRST_LVL

SECND_LVL: process (C, SEL2)
case SEL2 is
when “00” => --Shift by 0
B_P <= C;

when “01” => --Shift by 4
B_P(15 downto 12) <= C(3 downto 0);
B_P(11 downto 0) <= C(15 downto 4);

when “10” => --Shift by 8
B_P(7 downto 0) <= C(15 downto 8);
B_P(15 downto 8) <= C(7 downto 0);

when “11” => --Shift by 12
B_P(3 downto 0) <= C(15 downto 12);
B_P(15 downto 4) <= C(11 downto 0);

when others =>
B_P <= C;
end case;
end process; -- End SECOND_LVL

SEL1 <= S(1 downto 0);
SEL2 <= S(3 downto 2);

end rtl;

16-bit Barrel Shifter with Two Levels of Multiplexers (Verilog)

* XAPP 26 *
* 16-bit barrel shifter [shift right] *
* May 1997 *

module barrel (S, A_P, B_P);

input [3:0] S;
input [15:0] A_P;
output [15:0] B_P;

reg [15:0] B_P;

wire [1:0] SEL1, SEL2;
reg [15:0] C;

assign SEL1 = S[1:0];
assign SEL2 = S[3:2];

always @ (A_P or SEL1)
case (SEL1)
2'b00 : // Shift by 0
C <= A_P;

2'b01 : // Shift by 1
C[15] <= A_P[0];
C[14:0] <= A_P[15:1];

2'b10 : // Shift by 2
C[15:14] <= A_P[1:0];
C[13:0] <= A_P[15:2];

2'b11 : // Shift by 3
C[15:13] <= A_P[2:0];
C[12:0] <= A_P[15:3];

default :
C <= A_P;

always @ (C or SEL2)
case (SEL2)
2'b00 : // Shift by 0
B_P <= C;

2'b01 : // Shift by 4
B_P[15:12] <= C[3:0];
B_P[11:0] <= C[15:4];

2'b10 : // Shift by 8
B_P[7:0] <= C[15:8];
B_P[15:8] <= C[7:0];

2'b11 : // Shift by 12
B_P[3:0] <= C[15:12];
B_P[15:4] <= C[11:0];

default :
B_P <= C;


When these two designs are implemented in an XC4005E-2 device with a popular synthesis tool, there is a 64% improvement in the gate count (88 occupied CLBs reduced to 32 occupied CLBs) in the barrel.vhd design as compared to the barrel_org.vhd design. Additionally, there is a 19% improvement in speed from 35.58 ns (5 logic levels) to 28.85 ns (4 logic levels).

Implementing Latches and Registers

Synthesizers infer latches from incomplete conditional expressions, such as an If statement without an Else clause. This can be problematic for FPGA designs because not all FPGA devices have latches available in the CLBs. In addition, you may think that a register is created, and the synthesis tool actually created a latch. The XC4000EX/XL and XC5200 FPGAs do have registers that can be configured to act as latches. For these devices, synthesizers infer a dedicated latch from incomplete conditional expressions. XC4000E, XC3100A, XC3000A, and Spartan devices do not have latches in their CLBs. For these devices, latches described in RTL code are implemented with gates in the CLB function generators. For XC4000E or Spartan devices, if the latch is directly connected to an input port, it is implemented in an IOB as a dedicated input latch. For example, the D latch described in the following VHDL and Verilog designs is implemented with one function generator as shown in the “D Latch Implemented with Gates” figure.

D Latch Inference

In this example, a combinatorial loop results in a hold-time requirement on DATA with respect to GATE. Since most synthesis tools do not process hold-time requirements because of the uncertainty of routing delays, Xilinx does not recommend implementing latches with combinatorial feedback loops. A recommended method for implementing latches is described in this section.

To eliminate this possible problem, use D registers instead of latches. For example, to convert the D latch to a D register, use an Else statement or modify the code to resemble the following example.

Converting a D Latch to a D Register

With some synthesis tools you can determine the number of latches that are implemented in your design. Check the manuals that came with your software for information on determining the number of latches in your design.

You should convert all If statements without corresponding Else statements and without a clock edge to registers. Use the recommended register coding styles in the synthesis tool documentation to complete this conversion.

In XC4000E devices, you can implement a D latch by instantiating a RAM 16x1 primitive, as illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 2.4 D Latch Implemented by Instantiating a RAM

In all other cases (such as latches with reset/set or enable), use a D flip-flop instead of a latch. This rule also applies to JK and SR flip-flops.

The following table provides a comparison of area and speed for a D latch implemented with gates, a 16x1 RAM primitive, and a D flip-flop.

Table 2_1 D Latch Implementation Comparison

XC4000E CLB Latch Implemented with Gates
XC4000EX/XL/XV, XC5200 CLB Latch
All Spartan and XC4000 Input Latch
E/EX/XL/XV Instantiated RAM Latch
Families D Flip Flop
RTL HDL infers latch
RTL HDL infers latch, no hold times
RTL HDL infers latch, no hold times (if not specifying NODELAY, saves CLB resources)
No hold time or combinatorial loops, best for XC4000E when latch needed in CLB
No hold time or combinatorial loop. FPGAs are register abundant.
Feedback loop results in hold time requirement, not suggested
Not available in XC4000E or Spartan
Not available in XC5200, input to latch must directly connect to port
Must be instantiated, uses logic resources
Requires change in code to convert latch to register
1 Function Generator
1 CLB Register/Latch
1 IOB Register/Latch
1 Function Generator
1 CLB Register/Latch
a. Area is the number of function generators and registers required. XC4000 and Spartan CLBs have two function generators and two registers; XC5200 CLBs have four function generators and four register/latches.

Resource Sharing

Resource sharing is an optimization technique that uses a single functional block (such as an adder or comparator) to implement several operators in the HDL code. Use resource sharing to improve design performance by reducing the gate count and the routing congestion. If you do not use resource sharing, each HDL operation is built with separate circuitry. However, you may want to disable resource sharing for speed critical paths in your design.

The following operators can be shared either with instances of the same operator or with an operator on the same line.

+ -
> >= < <=

For example, a + operator can be shared with instances of other + operators or with - operators. A * operator can be shared only with other * operators.

You can implement arithmetic functions (+, -, magnitude comparators) with gates or with your synthesis tool's module library. The library functions use modules that take advantage of the carry logic in XC4000 family, XC5200 family, and Spartan family CLBs. Carry logic and its dedicated routing increase the speed of arithmetic functions that are larger than 4-bits. To increase speed, use the module library if your design contains arithmetic functions that are larger than 4-bits or if your design contains only one arithmetic function. Resource sharing of the module library automatically occurs in most synthesis tools if the arithmetic functions are in the same process.

Resource sharing adds additional logic levels to multiplex the inputs to implement more than one function. Therefore, you may not want to use it for arithmetic functions that are part of your design's time critical path.

Since resource sharing allows you to reduce the number of design resources, the device area required for your design is also decreased. The area that is used for a shared resource depends on the type and bit width of the shared operation. You should create a shared resource to accommodate the largest bit width and to perform all operations.

If you use resource sharing in your designs, you may want to use multiplexers to transfer values from different sources to a common resource input. In designs that have shared operations with the same output target, the number of multiplexers is reduced as illustrated in the following VHDL and Verilog examples. The HDL example is shown implemented with gates in the “Implementation of Resource Sharing” figure.

If you disable resource sharing or if you code the design with the adders in separate processes, the design is implemented using two separate modules as shown in the “Implementation without Resource Sharing” figure.

Figure 2.5 Implementation of Resource Sharing

Figure 2.6 Implementation without Resource Sharing

Some synthesis tools generate modules from special Xilinx module generation algorithms. Generally, this module generation is used for operators such as adders, subtracters, incrementers, decrementers, and comparators. The following table provides a comparison of the number of CLBs used and the delay for the VHDL and Verilog designs with and without resource sharing.

Table 2_2 Resource Sharing/No Resource Sharing Comparison for XC4005EPC84-2

Resource Sharing with Xilinx Module Generation
No Resource Sharing with Xilinx Module Generation
Resource Sharing without Xilinx Module Generation
No Resource Sharing without Xilinx Module Generation
F/G Functions
H Function Generators
Fast Carry Logic CLBs
Longest Delay
27.878 ns
23.761 ns
47.010 ns
33.386 ns
Potential for area reduction
Potential for decreased critical path delay
No carry logic increases path delays
No carry logic increases CLB count

Note: Refer to the appropriate reference manual for more information on resource sharing.

Gate Reduction

Use the generated module components to reduce the number of gates in your designs. The module generation algorithms use Xilinx carry logic to reduce function generator logic and improve routing and speed performance. Further gate reduction can occur with synthesis tools that recognize the use of constants with the modules.

Preset Pin or Clear Pin

Xilinx FPGAs consist of CLBs that contain function generators and flip-flops. The XC4000 family and Spartan family flip-flops have a dedicated clock enable pin and either a clear (asynchronous reset) pin or a preset (asynchronous set) pin. All synchronous preset or clear functions can be implemented with combinatorial logic in the function generators.

The XC3000 family and XC5200 family FPGAs have an asynchronous reset pin on the CLB registers. An asynchronous preset can be inferred, but is built by connecting one inverter to the D input and connecting a second inverter to the Q output of a register. In this case, an asynchronous preset is created when the asynchronous reset is activated. This may require additional logic and increase delays. If possible, the inverters are merged with existing logic connected to the register input or output.

You can configure FPGA CLB registers to have either a preset pin or a clear pin. You cannot configure the CLB register for both pins. You must modify any process that requires both pins to use only one pin or you must use three registers and a mux to implement the process. If a register is described with an asynchronous set and reset, your synthesis tool may issue an error message similar to the following during the compilation of your design.

Warning: Target library contains no replacement for register `Q_reg' (**FFGEN**) . (TRANS-4)
Warning: Cell `Q_reg' (**FFGEN**) not translated. (TRANS-1)

During the implementation of the synthesized netlist, NGDBuild issues the following error message.

ERROR:basnu - logical block “Q_reg” of type “_FFGEN_” is unexpanded.

An XC4000 CLB is shown in the following figure.

Figure 2.7 XC4000 Configurable Logic Block

The following VHDL and Verilog designs show how to describe a register with a clock enable and either an asynchronous preset or a clear.

Register Inference

Using Clock Enable Pin Instead of Gated Clocks

Use the CLB clock enable pin instead of gated clocks in your designs. Gated clocks can introduce glitches, increased clock delay, clock skew, and other undesirable effects. The first two examples in this section (VHDL and Verilog) illustrate a design that uses a gated clock. The “Implementation of Gated Clock” figure shows this design implemented with gates. Following these examples are VHDL and Verilog designs that show how you can modify the gated clock design to use the clock enable pin of the CLB. The “Implementation of Clock Enable” figure shows this design implemented with gates.

Using If Statements

The VHDL syntax for If statements is as follows:

if condition then
{elsif condition then
end if;

The Verilog syntax for If statements is as follows:

if (condition)
sequence of statements;
{else if (condition)
sequence of statements;
sequence of statements;

Use If statements to execute a sequence of statements based on the value of a condition. The If statement checks each condition in order until the first true condition is found and then executes the statements associated with that condition. After a true condition is found and the statements associated with that condition are executed, the rest of the If statement is ignored. If none of the conditions are true, and an Else clause is present, the statements associated with the Else are executed. If none of the conditions are true, and an Else clause is not present, none of the statements are executed.

If the conditions are not completely specified (as shown below), a latch is inferred to hold the value of the target signal.

To avoid a latch inference, specify all conditions, as shown here.

Using Case Statements

The VHDL syntax for Case statements is as follows.

case expression is
when choices =>
{when choices =>
when others =>
end case;

The Verilog syntax for Case statements is as follows.

case (expression)
choices: statement;
{choices: statement;}
default: statement;

Use Case statements to execute one of several sequences of statements, depending on the value of the expression. When the Case statement is executed, the given expression is compared to each choice until a match is found. The statements associated with the matching choice are executed. The statements associated with the Others (VHDL) or Default (Verilog) clause are executed when the given expression does not match any of the choices. The Others or Default clause is optional, however, if you do not use it, you must include all possible values for expression. For clarity and for synthesis, each Choices statement must have a unique value for the expression. If possible, put the most likely Cases first to improve simulation speed.

Using Nested If Statements

Improper use of the Nested If statement can result in an increase in area and longer delays in your designs. Each If keyword specifies priority-encoded logic. To avoid long path delays, do not use extremely long Nested If constructs as shown in the following VHDL/Verilog examples. These designs are shown implemented in gates in the “Implementation of Nested If” figure. Following these examples are VHDL and Verilog designs that use the Case construct with the Nested If to more effectively describe the same function. The Case construct reduces the delay by approximately 3 ns (using an XC4005E-2 part). The implementation of this design is shown in the “Implementation of If-Case” figure.

Inefficient Use of Nested If Statement

Nested If Example Modified to Use If-Case

Note: In the following example, the hyphens (“don't cares”) used for bits in the Case statement may evaluate incorrectly to false for some synthesis tools.

Comparing If Statement and Case Statement

The If statement generally produces priority-encoded logic and the Case statement generally creates balanced logic. An If statement can contain a set of different expressions while a Case statement is evaluated against a common controlling expression. In general, use the Case statement for complex decoding and use the If statement for speed critical paths.

Most current synthesis tools can determine if the if-elsif conditions are mutually exclusive, and will not create extra logic to build the priority tree.

The following examples use an If construct in a 4-to-1 multiplexer design. The “If_Ex Implementation” figure shows the implementation of these designs.

4-to-1 Multiplexer Design with If Construct

The following VHDL and Verilog examples use a Case construct for the same multiplexer. The “Case_Ex Implementation” figure shows the implementation of these designs. In these examples, the Case implementation requires only one XC4000 CLB while the If construct requires two CLBs in some synthesis tools. In this case, design the multiplexer using the Case construct because fewer resources are used and the delay path is shorter.

4-to-1 Multiplexer Design with Case Construct