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TRACE output is an ASCII timing report file that enables you to see how well the timing constraints for the design have been met. The file is written into your current working directory and has a .twr extension. The default name for the file is the same root name as the NCD file. You can designate a different root name for the file, but it must have a .twr extension. The extension .twr is assumed if not specified.
The timing report lists statistics on the design, any detected timing errors, and a number of warning conditions.
Timing errors indicate absolute or relative timing constraint violations. These include the following.
Timing errors may require design modifications, running PAR, or both.
Warnings point out potential problems such as circuit cycles or a constraint that does not define any paths.
Three types of reports are available. You determine the report type by entering the appropriate option entry on the UNIX or DOS command line or by selecting the type of report from the Timing Analyzer (see the TRACE Options section). Each type of report is described in the Reporting with TRACE section.
TRACE checks the delays in the NCD design file against your timing constraints. If delays are exceeded, TRACE issues the appropriate timing error.
The delay for a constrained net is checked to ensure that the constraint is equal to or greater than the routedelay.
constraint >= routedelay
routedelay is the signal delay between the driver pin and the load pin(s) on a net. This is an estimated delay if the design is placed but not routed.
Any nets showing delays that do not meet this condition generate timing errors in the timing report.
Signal skew on a net with multiple load pins is the difference between minimum and maximum load delays. Skew is checked against the specified maximum skew for constrained nets in the PCF file.
constraint >= (maxdelay - mindelay)
maxdelay is the maximum delay between the driver pin and a load pin.
mindelay is the minimum delay between the driver pin and a load pin.
If the skew is found to exceed the maximum skew constraint, the timing report shows a skew error.
The delay through a constrained path is checked to insure that the constraint is greater than or equal to the sum of logic (component) delay, route (wire) delay, and setup time (if any), minus clock skew (if any).
constraint >= logicdelay + routedelay + setuptime - clockskew
logicdelay is the pin-to-pin delay through a component.
routedelay is the signal delay between component pins in a path. This is an estimated delay if the design is placed but not routed.
setuptime (for clocked paths only) is the time that data must be present on an input pin before the arrival of the triggering edge of a clock signal.
clockskew (for register-to-register clocked paths only) is the difference between the amount of time the clock signal takes to reach the destination register and the amount of time the clock signal takes to reach the source register. Clock skew is discussed in the following section.
Paths showing delays that do not meet this condition generate timing errors in the timing report.
Clock skew must be accounted for in register-to-register setup checks. For register-to-register paths, the data delay must reach the destination register within a single clock period for the destination register. The timing analysis software ensures that any clock skew between the source and destination registers is accounted for in this check.
Note: In default mode, that is, without using the -skew option, only dedicated clock resource skew accounting is performed. With the
-skew option, non-dedicated clock skew accounting is also performed.
A setup check performed on register-to-register paths checks the following condition.
Slack = constraint + Tsk - (Tpath + Tsu)
constraint is the required time interval for the path, either specified explicitly by you with a FROM TO constraint, or derived from a PERIOD constraint.
Tpath is the summation of component and connection delays along the path (including the Tcko delay from the source register).
Tsu is the setup requirement for the destination register.
Tsk is the difference between the arrival time for the destination register and the source register.
Negative slack indicates that a setup error may occur, because the data from the source register does not set up at the target register for a subsequent clock edge.
In the following figure, the clock skew Tsk is the delay from the clock input (CLKIOB) to register D (TclkD) less the delay from the clock input (CLKIOB) to register S (TclkS). Negative skew relative to the destination reduces the amount of time available for the data path, and positive skew relative to the destination register is truncated to zero.
Because the total clock path delay is used to determine the clock arrival times at the source register (TclkS) and the destination register (TclkD), this check still applies if the source and destination clocks originate at the same chip input but travel through different clock buffers and/or routing resources, as shown in the following figure.
When the source and destination clocks originate at different chip inputs, no obvious relationship between the two clock inputs exists for the timing software (because the software cannot determine the clock arrival time or phase information).
For FROM TO specifications, the software assumes you have taken into account the external timing relationship between the chip inputs. The software assumes both clock inputs arrive simultaneously, and the difference between the destination clock arrival time (TclkD) and the source clock arrival time (TclkS) does not account for any difference in the arrival times at the two chip clock inputs.
The clock skew Tsk is not accounted for in setup checks covered by PERIOD constraints where the clock paths to the source and destination registers originate at different clock inputs.
The timing report produced by TRACE is an ASCII file prepared for a particular design. It reports statistics on the design, a summary of timing warnings and errors, and optional detailed net and path delay reports.
Note: All TRACE reports are formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the reports uses a proportional font, the columns in the reports do not line up correctly.
This section covers the three different types of timing reports generated by TRACE. They are as follows.
In each type of report, the header specifies the type of report, the input design name, the optional input physical constraints file name, and device and speed data for the input NCD file. At the end of each report is a timing summary, which includes the following information.
Note: The percentage of connections covered by timing constraints is given in a % coverage statistic. The statistic does not indicate the percentage of paths covered; it indicates the percentage of connections covered. Even if you have entered constraints that cover all paths in the design, this percentage may be less than 100%, since some connections are never included for static timing analysis (for example, connections to the STARTUP component).
In the following sections, a description of each report is accompanied by a sample.
Following are some additional notes about timing reports.
If an error is generated at both the endpoints of A and B, the timing report would list two errors - one for each endpoint.
In 2.1i, the summary, error, and verbose reports contain a data sheet report. This report only includes IOs that are covered by the specified physical timing constraints, if any. A warning is issued if the report does not cover any IOs of the design due to the specified timing constraints. In the absence of a physical constraint file, all IO timing is analyzed and reported (less the effects of any default path tracing controls). Unconstrained path analysis can be used with a constraint file to increase the coverage of the report to include paths not explicitly specified in the constraints file. The report includes the source and destination PAD names, and either the propagation delay between the source and destination or the setup and hold requirements for the source relative to the destination. This report summarizes the following delay characteristics for the design:
Setup/Hold to clock ck1_i
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
start_i | 2.816(R)| 0.000(R)|
Clock ck1_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out1_o | 16.691(R)|
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck2_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck2_i | 12.647| | | |
ck1_i | 10.241| | | |
Pad to Pad
Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay |
BSLOT0 |D08 | 37.534|
BSLOT1 |D09 | 37.876|
BSLOT2 |D10 | 34.627|
BSLOT3 |D11 | 37.214|
CRESETN |VCASN0 | 51.846|
CRESETN |VCASN1 | 51.846|
CRESETN |VCASN2 | 49.776|
CRESETN |VCASN3 | 52.408|
CRESETN |VCASN4 | 52.314|
CRESETN |VCASN5 | 52.314|
CRESETN |VCASN6 | 51.357|
CRESETN |VCASN7 | 52.527|
There are four methods of running TRACE to obtain a complete data sheet report.
For either of the last two options, you should not have any path controls or TIGs or be aware that those paths will not be part of the report.
Guaranteed setup and hold values obtained from speed files are used in the data sheet reports for IOB input registers when these registers are clocked by specific clock routing resources and when the guaranteed setup and hold times are available for a specified device and speed.
Specific clock routing resources are clock networks that originate at a clock IOB, use a clock buffer to reach a clock routing resource and route directly to IOB registers.
Guaranteed setup and hold times are also used for reporting of input OFFSET constraints.
The following figure and text describes the external setup and hold time relationships.
The pad CLKPAD of clock input component CLKIOB drives a global clock buffer CLKBUF, which in turn drives an input flip-flop IFD. The input flip-flop IFD clocks a data input driven from DATAPAD within the component IOB.
The external setup time is defined as the setup time of DATAPAD within IOB relative to CLKPAD within CLKIOB. When a guaranteed external setup time exists in the speed files for a particular DATAPAD and the CLKPAD pair and configuration, this number is used in timing reports. When no guaranteed external setup time exists in the speed files for a particular DATAPAD and CLKPAD pair, the external setup time is reported as the maximum path delay from DATAPAD to the IFD plus the maximum IFD setup time, less the minimum of maximum path delay(s) from the CLKPAD to the IFD.
The external hold time is defined as the hold time of DATAPAD within IOB relative to CLKPAD within CLKIOB. When a guaranteed external hold time exists in the speed files for a particular DATAPAD and the CLKPAD pair and configuration, this number is used in timing reports.
When no guaranteed external hold time exists in the speed files for a particular DATAPAD and CLKPAD pair, the external hold time is reported as the maximum path delay from CLKPAD to the IFD plus the maximum IFD hold time, less the minimum of maximum path delay(s) from the DATAPAD to the IFD.
The summary report includes the name of the design file being analyzed, the device speed and report level, followed by a statistical brief that includes the summary information (timing errors, etc. described above) and design statistics. The report also list statistics for each constraint in the PCF file, including the number of timing errors for each constraint.
A summary report is produced when you do not enter an -e (error report) or -v (verbose report) option on the TRACE command line.
Two sample summary reports are shown below. The first sample shows the results without having a physical constraints file. The second sample shows the results when a physical constraints file is specified.
If no physical constraints file exists or if there are no timing constraints in the PCF file, TRACE performs default path and net enumeration to provide timing analysis statistics. Default path enumeration includes all circuit paths to data and clock pins on sequential components and all data pins on primary outputs. Default net enumeration includes all nets.
Note: The summary report is formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the report uses a proportional font, the columns in the report do not line up correctly.
Summary Report (Without a Physical Constraints File Specified)The following sample summary report represents the output of this TRACE command.
trce -o summary.twr testclk.ncd
The name of the report is summary.twr. No preference file is specified on the command line, and the directory containing the file testclk.ncd did not contain a PCF file called testclk.pcf.
Xilinx TRACE, Version 2.1i
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Design file: testclk.ncd
Physical constraint file: testclk.pcf
Device,speed: xcv100,-5 (C Advanced)
Report level: summary report
WARNING:Timing - No timing constraints found, doing default enumeration.
Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
Constraint | Requested | Actual | Logic
| | |Levels
Default period analysis | | 13.321ns | 12
Default net enumeration | | 4.724ns |
All constraints were met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock ck1_i
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
start_i | 2.816(R)| 0.000(R)|
Clock ck2_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out2_o | 12.820(R)|
Summary Report (With a Physical Constraints File Specified)
Clock ck1_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out1_o | 15.086(R)|
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck2_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck2_i | 12.647| | | |
ck1_i | 10.241| | | |
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck1_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck1_i | 13.199| | | |
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Constraints cover 2124 paths, 136 nets, and 380 connections (100.0% coverage)
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 13.321ns (Maximum frequency: 75.069MHz)
Maximum combinational path delay: 13.838ns
Maximum net delay: 4.724ns
Analysis completed Mon Mar 29 07:17:41 1999
The following sample summary report represents the output of this TRACE command.
trce -o summary1.twr testclk.ncd testclk.pcf
The name of the report is summary1.twr. The timing analysis represented in the file were performed by referring to the constraints in the file testclk.pcf.
Xilinx TRACE, Version 2.1i
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Design file: testclk.ncd
Physical constraint file: testclk.pcf
Device,speed: xcv100,-5 (C Advanced)
Report level: summary report
Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
Constraint | Requested | Actual | Logic
| | |Levels
TS_ck1_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "ck1_i" 20 nS | 20.000ns | 13.321ns | 12
HIGH 50.000 % | | |
TS_ck2_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "ck2_i" 18 nS | 18.000ns | 12.653ns | 11
HIGH 50.000 % | | |
OFFSET = IN 20 nS BEFORE COMP "ck1_i" | 20.000ns | 2.816ns | 2
OFFSET = OUT 18 nS AFTER COMP "ck1_i" | 18.000ns | 15.086ns | 5
OFFSET = IN 22 nS BEFORE COMP "ck2_i" | | |
OFFSET = OUT 17 nS AFTER COMP "ck2_i" | 17.000ns | 12.820ns | 5
All constraints were met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock ck1_i
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
start_i | 2.816(R)| 0.000(R)|
Clock ck2_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out2_o | 12.820(R)|
Clock ck1_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out1_o | 15.086(R)|
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck2_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck2_i | 12.647| | | |
ck1_i | 10.241| | | |
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck1_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck1_i | 13.199| | | |
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Constraints cover 2124 paths, 0 nets, and 348 connections (91.6% coverage)
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 13.321ns (Maximum frequency: 75.069MHz)
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 2.816ns
Minimum output required time after clock: 15.086ns
Analysis completed Mon Mar 29 07:00:11 1999
When the physical constraints file includes timing constraints, the summary report lists the percentage of all design connections covered by timing constraints. If there are no timing constraints, the report shows 100 percent coverage. An asterisk precedes constraints that fail.
The error report lists timing errors and associated net/path delay information. Errors are ordered by constraint and, within constraints, by slack (the difference between the constraint and the analyzed value, with a negative slack indicating an error condition). The number of errors listed for each constraint is set by the limit you enter on the command line. The error report also contains a list of all time groups defined in the PCF file and all of the members defined within each group.
The main body of the error report lists all timing constraints as they appear in the input PCF file. If the constraint is met, the report simply states the number of items scored by TRACE, reports no timing errors detected, and issues a brief report line, indicating important information (for example, the maximum delay for the particular constraint). If the constraint is not met, it gives the number of items scored by TRACE, the number of errors encountered, and a detailed breakdown of the error.
For errors in which the path delays are broken down into individual net and component delays, the report lists each physical resource and the logical resource from which the physical resource was generated.
As in the other three types of reports, descriptive material appears at the top. A timing summary always appears at the end of the report. A sample error report follows.
Note: The error report is formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the report uses a proportional font, the columns in the report do not line up correctly.
Sample Error ReportThe following sample error report (error.twr) represents the output of this TRACE command.
trce -o error3.twr -e 3 test_clock.ncd
Xilinx TRACE, Version 2.1i
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Design file: testclk.ncd
Physical constraint file: testclk.pcf
Device,speed: xcv100,-5 (C Advanced)
Report level: error report, limited to 3 items per constraint
Timing constraint: TS_ck1_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "ck1_i" 20 nS HIGH 50.000 % ;
955 items analyzed, 0 timing errors detected.
Minimum period is 13.186ns.
Timing constraint: OFFSET = OUT 12 nS AFTER COMP "ck1_i" ;
12 items analyzed, 3 timing errors detected.
Minimum allowable offset is 13.152ns.
Slack: -1.152ns path ck1_i to out1_o relative to
1.248ns delay ck1_i to core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> and
11.904ns delay core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> to out1_o and
12.000ns offset ck1_i to out1_o
Clock path ck1_i to core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> contains 2 levels of
Path starting from Comp: Y11.PAD
To Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- --------
Y11.GCLKOUT Tgpid 0.728R ck1_i
GCLKBUF0.IN net (fanout=1) 0.007R N_ck1_i
GCLKBUF0.OUT Tgio 0.077R BUFG_ck1
CLB_R20C8.S0.CLK net (fanout=16) 0.436R ck1
Total (0.805ns logic, 0.443ns route) 1.248ns
(64.5% logic, 35.5% route)
Data path core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> to out1_o contains 5 levels of logic:
Path starting from Comp: CLB_R20C8.S0.CLK (from ck1)
To Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- --------
CLB_R20C8.S0.XQ Tcko 1.147R >
CLB_R19C8.S1.G1 net (fanout=4) 1.413R >
CLB_R19C8.S1.Y Tilo 0.622R syn2458
CLB_R18C9.S0.G1 net (fanout=1) 1.237R syn2458
CLB_R18C9.S0.Y Tilo 0.622R out1
CLB_R18C9.S0.F3 net (fanout=1) 0.093R syn632
CLB_R18C9.S0.X Tilo 0.622R out1
Y6.O net (fanout=11) 1.722R out1
Y6.PAD Tioop 4.426R out1_o
Total (7.439ns logic, 4.465ns route) 11.904ns
(62.5% logic, 37.5% route)
Slack: -0.997ns path ck1_i to out1_o relative to
1.248ns delay ck1_i to core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> and
11.749ns delay core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> to out1_o and
12.000ns offset ck1_i to out1_o
Timing constraint: OFFSET = IN 22 nS BEFORE COMP "ck2_i" ;
0 items analyzed, 0 timing errors detected.
Timing constraint: OFFSET = OUT 17 nS AFTER COMP "ck2_i" ;
12 items analyzed, 0 timing errors detected.
Minimum allowable offset is 13.034ns.
1 constraint not met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock ck1_i
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
start_i | 2.957(R)| 0.000(R)|
Clock ck2_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out2_o | 13.034(R)|
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck1_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck1_i | 13.186| | | |
Table of Timegroups:
TimeGroup ck1_i:
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<0> core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<1> st1/counter1/regist1_reg<2>
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<3> core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<4> st1/counter1/regist1_reg<5>
TimeGroup ck2_i:
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<0> core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<1> st2/counter1/regist1_reg<2>
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<3> core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<4> st2/counter1/regist1_reg<5>
core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<7> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<8> st2/counter1/cont_reg<9>
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 3 Score: 2457
Constraints cover 2124 paths, 0 nets, and 348 connections (91.6% coverage)
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 13.186ns (Maximum frequency: 75.838MHz)
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 2.957ns
Minimum output required time after clock: 13.152ns
Analysis completed Tue Mar 30 07:40:08 1999
The verbose report is similar to the error report, providing more details on delays for all constrained paths and nets in the design. Entries are ordered by constraint and, within constraints, by slack. The number of items listed for each constraint is set by the limit you enter on the command line.
Note: The data sheet report and STAMP model display skew values on non-dedicated clock resources that do not display in the default period analysis of the normal verbose report. The data sheet report and STAMP model must include skew because skew affects the external timing model. To display skew values in the verbose report, use the -skew option.
The verbose report also contains a list of all time groups defined in the PCF file, and all of the members defined within each group.
As in the other types of reports, descriptive material appears at the top.
The body of the verbose report enumerates each constraint as it appears in the input physical constraints file, the number of items scored by TRACE for that constraint, and the number of errors detected for the constraint. Each item is described, ordered by descending slack. A Report line for each item provides important information, such as the amount of delay on a net and by how much the constraint is met.
For path constraints, if there is an error, the report indicates the amount by which the constraint is exceeded. For errors in which the path delays are broken down into individual net and component delays, the report lists each physical resource and the logical resource from which the physical resource was generated.
If there are no errors, the report indicates that the constraint passed and by how much. Each logic and route delay is analyzed, totaled, and reported.
Note: The verbose report is formatted for viewing in a monospace (non-proportional) font. If the text editor you use for viewing the report uses a proportional font, the columns in the report do not line up correctly.
Sample Verbose ReportThe following sample verbose report (verbose.twr) represents the output of this TRACE command.
trce -o verbose1.twr -v 1 testclk.ncd
Xilinx TRACE, Version 2.1i
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Design file: testclk.ncd
Physical constraint file: testclk.pcf
Device,speed: xcv100,-5 (C Advanced)
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per constraint
Timing constraint: TS_ck1_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "ck1_i" 20 nS HIGH 50.000 % ;
955 items analyzed, 0 timing errors detected.
Minimum period is 13.321ns.
Slack: 6.679ns path core_inst1/counter1/cont<1> to core_inst1/counter1/cont<9> relative to
13.260ns delay constraint
0.061ns clock skew
20.000ns delay constraint
Path core_inst1/counter1/regist0<0> to core_inst1/counter1/cont<9> contains 12 levels of logic:
Path starting from Comp: CLB_R19C8.S1.CLK (from ck1)
To Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- --------
CLB_R19C8.S0.YQ Tcko 1.147R core_inst1/counter1/
CLB_R17C6.S1.XQ net fanout=4) 2.422R >
CLB_R17C6.S1.COUT Topcyf 1.248R O
CLB_R17C5.S0.F3 net (fanout=1) 1.267R core_inst1/counter1
CLB_R17C5.S0.CLK Tick 1.024R core_inst1/counter1/
Total (6.052ns logic, 7.208ns route) 13.260ns (to ck1)
(45.6% logic, 54.7% route)
All constraints were met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock ck1_i
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
start_i | 2.816(R)| 0.000(R)|
Clock ck2_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out2_o | 12.820(R)|
Clock ck1_i to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
out1_o | 15.086(R)|
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck2_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck2_i | 12.647| | | |
ck1_i | 10.241| | | |
Clock to Setup on destination clock ck1_i
| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest| Src/Dest|
Source Clock |Rise/Rise|Fall/Rise|Rise/Fall|Fall/Fall|
ck1_i | 13.199| | | |
Table of Timegroups:
TimeGroup ck1_i:
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<0> core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<1> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<3> core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<4> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<6> core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<7> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist1_reg<9> core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<0> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<2> core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<3> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<5> core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<6> >
core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<8> core_inst1/counter1/regist0_reg<9> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<0>
core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<1> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<2> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<3>
core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<4> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<5> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<6>
core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<7> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<8> core_inst1/counter1/cont_reg<9>
TimeGroup ck2_i:
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<0> core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<1> >
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<3> core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<4> >
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<6> core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<7> >
core_inst2/counter1/regist1_reg<9> core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<0> >
core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<2> core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<3>
core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<5> core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<6> >
core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<8> core_inst2/counter1/regist0_reg<9> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<0>
core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<1> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<2> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<3>
core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<4> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<5> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<6>
core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<7> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<8> core_inst2/counter1/cont_reg<9>
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Constraints cover 2124 paths, 0 nets, and 348 connections (91.6% coverage)
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 13.321ns (Maximum frequency: 75.069MHz)
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 2.816ns
Minimum output required time after clock: 15.086ns