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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing the FPGA Editor

Customizing Mouse Buttons

You can program mouse buttons to run commands from the command line by clicking the appropriate mouse button. You can only program commands to mouse clicks; not to clicking and holding down the mouse button.

EPIC supported a three button mouse on the workstation, and a two button mouse on the PC. The FPGA Editor supports only the left and right mouse buttons on the workstation. The following table includes some comparisons between EPIC and FPGA Editor mouse actions.

Table 7_1 Mouse Button Functions

FPGA Editor on Workstation and PC
EPIC on Workstation
Zoom in
Control + Right Click
Middle Click
Right Click
Zoom out
Shift + Control + Right Click
Right Click
Shift + Right Click
Control + Right Drag
Right Drag
Right Drag
Select toolbar buttons, menus, menu commands, dialog box options, design objects
Left Click
Display a context-sensitive popup menu for the selected window area or design object. Use the right mouse button to select a command from this menu.
Right Click

To re-program mouse buttons, use the Alias command in the fpga_editor.ini or fpga_editor_user.ini file, as shown in the following lines from the default fpga_editor.ini file. For more information on the Alias command, see the “Alias” section of the “Command Line Syntax” chapter.

alias [LeftClick] "unselect -all; pick -order pin:etc"
alias [Control+LeftClick] "pick -order pin:etc"

The mouse aliases used in the default fpga_editor. ini file are shown in the following table. If you unalias a programmed mouse button, the FPGA Editor restores the default command to that button.

Mouse Button
Command Mapping
Left Click
unselect -all; pick -order order_spec
Control + Left Click
pick -order order_spec
Shift + Left Click
pick -k -order order_spec
Control + Shift + Left Click
pick -order order_spec
Control + Right Click
zoom in @cursor
Shift + Control + Right Click
zoom out @cursor
Left Double Click
post block