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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing the FPGA Editor

Customizing Colors

Areas in the FPGA Editor window (such as the User toolbar or the history area) are automatically assigned colors when the FPGA Editor window opens. These colors cannot be modified after an FPGA Editor session begins. Layers of objects in the Array window (for example, components, long lines, or selected objects) are also assigned colors when the FPGA Editor window opens. On a workstation or a PC, you can customize the layer colors that appear when you first open the FPGA Editor window, and you can modify these colors at any time during an FPGA Editor session.

Changing Window Colors on the Workstation

On the workstation, you can change the color of the FPGA Editor windows in your .Xdefaults file. You can use any of the colors from the full palette supported by the X Window System. See your X Window System documentation for more information.

Changing Window Colors on the PC

On the PC, the FPGA Editor windows use the standard system colors. You can change these colors by selecting the Display icon in the Control Panel. The default colors for some of the areas in the FPGA Editor window are shown in the following table.

Window Area
Background of Array window
Background of World window
Background of List window
Background of Menu bar
Standard System Colors
Background of History area toolbar
Standard System Colors
Background of User toolbar
Standard System Colors
Background of Command Line toolbar
Standard System Colors
Background of Status bar
Standard System Colors

Changing Object Colors on Workstation and PC

On a workstation or a PC, you can control the colors of layers of objects (such as sites, components, switchboxes) in the Array window. You can change the colors assigned when the FPGA Editor window opens, and also change colors during an editing session. When you change layer colors during an editing session, the changed colors are only valid for the current session.

When the FPGA Editor window opens, the system assigns default colors to object layers. You change these default colors by editing the fpga_editor.ini file. To change colors during an editing session, use the Command Line toolbar. Both of these procedures are described in this section.

Note: You can also modify a layer color by using a Layer Properties dialog box as described in the “Viewing and Changing Properties” section in the “Using the FPGA Editor” chapter.

Editing the FGPA_editor.ini File

  1. Open the fpga_editor.ini file with a text editor.

  2. Enter the following command for each layer color you want to modify.

    setattr layer layer_name color color

    The layer_name variable specifies the name of a particular layer. Examples of types of layers are sites, components, switch boxes, pinwires, local lines, long lines, pips, routes, ratsnests, hilite, select, and text. Different layers are available for different device architectures.

    The color variable specifies the color you want to use for a particular layer. Possible colors are black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, white, grey, dark blue, dark green, dark cyan, dark red, dark magenta, or olive.

Using the Command Line Toolbar

At any time during an FPGA Editor session, you can change the color assigned to a specified layer by entering the Setattr command in the Command Line toolbar.

setattr layer layer_name color color

The layer_name variable specifies the name of a particular layer. Examples of types of layers are sites, components, switch boxes, pinwires, local lines, long lines, pips, routes, ratsnests, hilite, select, and text. Different layers are available for different device architectures.

The color variable specifies the color you want to use for a particular layer. Possible colors are black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, white, grey, dark blue, dark green, dark cyan, dark red, dark magenta, or olive.