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Libraries Guide


About This Manual

This manual describes Xilinx's Unified Libraries and the attributes and constraints that can be used with the components.

Before using this manual, you should be familiar with the operations that are common to all Xilinx software tools: how to bring up the system, select a tool for use, specify operations, and manage design data. These topics are covered in the Quick Start Guide.

Additional Resources

For additional information, go to The following table lists some of the resources you can access from this page. You can also directly access some of these resources using the provided URLs.

Tutorials covering Xilinx design flows, from design entry to verification and
Answers Database
Current listing of solution records for the Xilinx software tools
Search this database using the search function at
Application Notes
Descriptions of device-specific design techniques and approaches
Data Book
Pages from The Programmable Logic Data Book, which describe device-specific information on Xilinx device characteristics, including readback, boundary scan, configuration, length count, and debugging
Xcell Journals
Quarterly journals for Xilinx programmable logic users
Tech Tips
Latest news, design tips, and patch information on the Xilinx design environment

Manual Contents

This manual contains the following chapters.

Chapter 1, ”Xilinx Unified Libraries,” discusses the unified libraries, applicable device architectures for each library, contents of the other chapters, general naming conventions, and performance issues.

Chapter 2, “Selection Guide,” describes then lists design elements by function that are explained in detail in the “Design Elements” chapters.

Chapters 3 through 11, “Design Elements,” provide a graphic symbol, functional description, primitive versus macro table, truth table (when applicable), topology (when applicable), and schematics for macros of the design elements.

Chapter 12, “Attributes, Constraints, and Carry Logic,” provides information on all attributes, logical constraints, placement and timing constraints, relationally placed macros (RPMs), and carry logic.


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