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When using the VHDL UniSim library, it is important to control the global signals for reset and output tristate enable. If do not control these signals, your timing simulation results will not match your functional simulation results because the initialization differs.
VHDL simulation does not support test bench driven internal global signals. If the test bench drives the global signal, a port is required. Otherwise, the global net must be driven by a component within the architecture.
Also, the register components do not have pins for the global signals because you do not want to wire to these special pre-laid nets. Instead, you want implementation to use the dedicated network on the chip.
For the HDL synthesis flow, the global reset and output tristate enable signals are emulated with the local reset and tristate enable signals. Special implementation directives are put on the nets to move them to the special pre-routed nets for global signals.
The VHDL UniSim library uses special components to drive the local reset and tristate enable signals. These components use the local signal connections to emulate the global signal, and also provide the implementation directives to ensure that the pre-routed wires are used.
You can instantiate these special components in the RTL description to ensure that all functional simulations match the timing simulation with respect to global signal initializations.
The following are important to VHDL simulation, synthesis, and implementation of global signals in FPGAs.
When defining a methodology to control a device's global set/reset (GSR) network, you should consider the following three general cases.
Name | Description |
Case 1 Case 1A Case 1B | Reset-On-Configuration pulse only; no user control of GSR Simulation model ROC initializes sequential elements User initializes sequential elements with ROCBUF model and simulation vectors |
Case 2 Case 2A Case 2B | User control of GSR after Power-on-Reset External Port driving GSR Internal signal driving GSR |
Case 3 | Don't Care |
Note: Reset-on-Configuration for PLDs is similar to Power-on-Reset for ASICs except it occurs at power-up and during configuration of the PLD.
Case 1 is defined as follows.
For Case 1A, the ROC (Reset-On-Configuration) instantiated component model is used. This model creates a one-shot pulse for the global set/reset signal. The pulse width is a generic and can be configured to match the device and conditions specified. The ROC cell is in the post-routed netlist and, with the same pulse width, it mimics the pre-route global set/reset net. The following is an example of an ROC cell.
Note: The TPOR parameter from The Programmable Logic Data Book is used as the WIDTH parameter.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity EX_ROC is
port (CLOCK, ENABLE : in std_logic;
CUP, CDOWN : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end EX_ROC;
architecture A of EX_ROC is
signal GSR : std_logic;
signal COUNT_UP, COUNT_DOWN : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
component ROC
port (O : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : ROC port map (O => GSR);
if (GSR = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= "0000";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= COUNT_UP + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process UP_COUNTER;
if (GSR = '1' OR COUNT_DOWN = "0101") then
COUNT_DOWN <= "1111";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
end if;
end if;
end process DOWN_COUNTER;
end A;
Complementary to the previous VHDL model is an implementation model that guides the place and route tool to connect the net driven by the ROC cell to the special purpose net.
This cell is created during back-annotation if you do not use the -gp or STARTUP block options. It can be instantiated in the front end to match functionality with GSR, GR, or PRLD (in both functional and timing simulation.) During back-annotation, the entity and architecture for the ROC cell is placed in your design's output VHDL file. In the front end, the entity and architecture are in the UniSim Library, requiring only a component instantiation. The ROC cell generates a one-time initial pulse to drive the GR, GSR, or PRLD net starting at time zero for a specified pulse width. You can set the pulse width with a generic in a configuration statement. The default value of the pulse width is 0 ns. This value disables the ROC cell and causes the global set/reset to be held low. (Active low resets are handled within the netlist itself and need to be inverted before using.)
With the ROC cell you can simulate with the same test bench used in RTL simulation, and you can control the width of the global set/reset signal in your implemented design. ROC cells require a generic WIDTH value, usually specified with a configuration statement. Otherwise, a generic map is required as part of the component instantiation. You can set the generic with any generic mapping method. Set the width generic after consulting The Programmable Logic Data Book for the particular part and mode implemented. For example, an XC4000E part can vary from 10 ms to 130 ms. Use the TPOR parameter in the Configuration Switching Characteristics tables for Master, Slave, and Peripheral modes. The following is the test bench for the ROC example.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity test_ofex_roc is end test_ofexroc;
architecture inside of test_ofex_roc is
Component ex_roc
CUP, CDOWN: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
End component;
UUT: ex_roc port map(. . . .);
End inside;
The best method for mapping the generic is a configuration in your test bench, as shown in the following example.
Configuration overall of test_ofexroc is
For inside
For UUT:ex_roc
For A
For U1:ROC use entity UNISIM.ROC (ROC_V)
Generic map (WIDTH=>52 ns);
End for;
End for;
End for;
End overall;
This configuration is for pre-NGDBuild simulation. A similar configuration is used for post-NGDBuild simulation. The ROC, TOC, and OSC4 are mapped to the WORK library, and corresponding architecture names may be different. Review the .vhd file created by NGD2VHDL for the current entity and architecture names for post-NGDBuild simulation.
The following figure shows the progression of the ROC model and its interpretation in the four main design phases.
For Case 1B, the ROCBUF (Reset-On-Configuration Buffer) instantiated component is used. This component creates a buffer for the global set/reset signal, and provides an input port on the buffer to drive the global set reset line. During the place and route process, this port is removed so it is not implemented on the chip. ROCBUF does not reappear in the post-routed netlist. Instead, you can select an implementation option to add a global set/reset port to the back-annotated netlist. A buffer is not necessary since the implementation directive is no longer required.
The following example illustrates how to use the ROCBUF in your designs.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity EX_ROCBUF is
port (CLOCK, ENABLE, SRP : in std_logic;
CUP, CDOWN : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
architecture A of EX_ROCBUF is
signal GSR : std_logic;
signal COUNT_UP, COUNT_DOWN : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
component ROCBUF
port (I : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : ROCBUF port map (I => SRP, O => GSR);
if (GSR = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= "0000";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= COUNT_UP + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process UP_COUNTER;
if (GSR = '1' OR COUNT_DOWN = "0101") then
COUNT_DOWN <= "1111";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
end if;
end if;
end process DOWN_COUNTER;
end A;
The following figure shows the progression of the ROCBUF model and its interpretation in the four main design phases.
The STARTUP block is traditionally instantiated to identify the GR, PRLD, or GSR signals for implementation if the global reset on tristate is connected to a chip pin. However, this implementation directive component cannot be simulated, and causes warning messages from the simulator. However, you can use the STARTBUF cell instead, which can be simulated. STARTUP blocks are allowed if the warnings can be addressed or safely ignored.
For Cases 2A and 2B, use the STARTBUF cell. This cell provides access to the input and output ports of the STARTUP cell that direct the implementation tool to use the global networks. The input and output port names differ from the names of the corresponding ports of the STARTUP cell. This was done for the following reasons.
The mapping to the architecture-specific STARTUP cell from the instantiation of the STARTBUF is done during implementation. The STARTBUF pins have the suffix IN (input port) or OUT (output port). Two additional output ports, GSROUT and GTSOUT, are available to drive a signal for clearing or setting a design's registers (GSROUT), or for tri-stating your design's I/Os (GTSOUT).
The input ports, GSRIN and GTSIN, can be connected either directly or indirectly via combinational logic to input ports of your design. Your design's input ports appear as input pins in the implemented design. The design input port connected to the input port, GSRIN, is then referred to as the device reset port, and the design input port connected to the input port, GTSIN, is referred to as the device tristate port. The following table shows the correspondence of pins between STARTBUF and STARTUP.
STARTBUF Pin Name | Connection Point | XC4000 STARTUP Pin Name | XC5200 STARTUP Pin Name | Spartan |
GSRIN | Global Set/Reset Port of Design | GSR | GR | GSR |
GTSIN | Global Tristate Port of Design | GTS | GTS | GTS |
GSROUT | All Registers Asynchronous Set/Reset | Not Available For Simulation Only | Not Available For Simulation Only | Not Available For Simulation Only |
GTSOUT | All Output Buffers Tristate Control | Not Available For Simulation Only | Not Available For Simulation Only | N/A |
CLKIN | Port or INternal Logic | CLK | CLK | CLK |
Q2OUT | Port Or Internal Logic | Q2 | Q2 | Q2 |
Q3OUT | Port Or Internal Logic | Q3 | Q3 | Q3 |
OUT | Port Or Internal Logic | Q1Q4 | Q1Q4 | Q1Q4 |
DONEINOUT | Port Or Internal Logic | DONEIN | DONEIN | DONEIN |
Note: Using STARTBUF indicates that you want to access the global set/reset and/or tristate pre-routed networks available in your design's target device. As a result, you must provide the stimulus for emulating the automatic pulse as well as the user-defined set/reset. This allows you complete control of the reset network from the test bench.
The following example shows how to use the STARTBUF cell.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity EX_STARTBUF is
port (CLOCK, ENABLE, DRP, DTP : in std_logic;
CUP, CDOWN : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
architecture A of EX_STARTBUF is
signal GSR, GSRIN_NET, GROUND, GTS : std_logic;
signal COUNT_UP, COUNT_DOWN : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
component STARTBUF
port (GSRIN, GTSIN, CLKIN : in std_logic; GSROUT, GTSOUT,
DONEINOUT, Q1Q4OUT, Q2OUT, Q3OUT : out std_logic);
end component;
GROUND <= '0';
if (GSR = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= "0000";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= COUNT_UP + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process UP_COUNTER;
if (GSR = '1' OR COUNT_DOWN = "0101") then
COUNT_DOWN <= "1111";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
end if;
end if;
end process DOWN_COUNTER;
CUP <= COUNT_UP when (GTS = '0' AND COUNT_UP /= "0000") else "ZZZZ";
CDOWN <= COUNT_DOWN when (GTS = '0') else "ZZZZ";
end A;
Just as for the global set/reset net there are three cases for using your device's output tristate enable (GTS) network, as shown in the following table.
Name | Description |
Case A Case A1 Case A2 | Tristate-On-Configuration only; no user control of GTS Simulation Model TOC Tristates output buffers during configuration or power-up User initializes sequential elements with TOCBUF model and simulation vectors |
Case B Case B1 Case B2 | User control of GTS after Tristate-On-Configuration External PORT driving GTS Internal signal driving GTS |
Case C | Don't Care |
Case A is defined as follows.
The TOC cell is created if you do not use the -tp or STARTUP block options. The entity and architecture for the TOC cell is placed in the design's output VHDL file. The TOC cell generates a one-time initial pulse to drive the GR, GSR, or PRLD net starting at time `0' for a user-defined pulse width. The pulse width can be set with a generic. The default WIDTH value is 0 ns, which disables the TOC cell and holds the tristate enable low. (Active low tristate enables are handled within the netlist itself; you must invert this signal before using it.)
The TOC cell enables you to simulate with the same test bench as in the RTL simulation, and also allows you to control the width of the tristate enable signal in your implemented design.
The TOC components require a value for the generic WIDTH, usually specified with a configuration statement. Otherwise, a generic map is required as part of the component instantiation.
You may set the generic with any generic mapping method you choose. Set the WIDTH generic after consulting The Programmable Logic Data Book for the particular part and mode you have implemented. For example, an XC4000E part can vary from 10 ms to 130 ms. Use the TPOR (Power-On Reset) parameter found in the Configuration Switching Characteristics tables for Master, Slave, and Peripheral modes.
For Case A1, use the TOC (Tristate-On-Configuration) instantiated component. This component creates a one-shot pulse for the global Tristate-On-Configuration signal. The pulse width is a generic and can be selected to match the device and conditions you want. The TOC cell is in the post-routed netlist and, with the same pulse width set, it mimics the pre-route Tristate-On-Configuration net.
The following is an example of how to use the TOC cell.
Note: The TPOR parameter from The Programmable Logic Data Book is used as the WIDTH parameter in this example.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity EX_TOC is
port (CLOCK, ENABLE : in std_logic;
CUP, CDOWN : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end EX_TOC;
architecture A of EX_TOC is
signal GSR, GTS : std_logic;
signal COUNT_UP, COUNT_DOWN : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
component ROC
port (O : out std_logic);
end component;
component TOC
port (O : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : ROC port map (O => GSR);
U2 : TOC port map (O => GTS);
if (GSR = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= "0000";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= COUNT_UP + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process UP_COUNTER;
if (GSR = '1' OR COUNT_DOWN = "0101") then
COUNT_DOWN <= "1111";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
end if;
end if;
end process DOWN_COUNTER;
CUP <= COUNT_UP when (GTS = '0' AND COUNT_UP /= "0000") else "ZZZZ";
CDOWN <= COUNT_DOWN when (GTS = '0') else "ZZZZ";
end A;
The following is the test bench for the TOC example.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity test_ofex_toc is end test_ofextoc;
architecture inside of test_ofex_toc is
Component ex_toc
CUP, CDOWN: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
End component;
UUT: ex_toc port map(. . . .);
End inside;
The best method for mapping the generic is a configuration in the test bench, as shown in the following example.
Configuration overall of test_ofextoc is
For inside
For UUT:ex_toc
For A
For U1:TOC use entity UNISIM.TOC (TOC_V)
Generic map (WIDTH=>52 ns);
End for;
End for;
End for;
End overall;
This configuration is for pre-NGDBuild simulation. A similar configuration is used for post-NGDBuild simulation. The ROC, TOC, and OSC4 are mapped to the WORK library, and corresponding architecture names may be different. Review the .vhd file created by NGD2VHDL for the current entity and architecture names for post-NGDBuild simulation.
The following figure shows the progression of the TOC model and its interpretation in the four main design phases.
For Case B1, use the TOCBUF (Tristate-On-Configuration Buffer) instantiated component model. This model creates a buffer for the global output tristate enable signal. You now have an input port on the buffer to drive the global set reset line. The implementation model directs the place and route tool to remove the port so it is not implemented on the actual chip. The TOCBUF cell does not reappear in the post-routed netlist. Instead, you can select an option on the implementation tool to add a global output tristate enable port to the back-annotated netlist. A buffer is not necessary because the implementation directive is no longer required.
The following is an example of the TOCBUF model.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.all;
entity EX_TOCBUF is
port (CLOCK, ENABLE, SRP, STP : in std_logic;
CUP, CDOWN : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
architecture A of EX_TOCBUF is
signal GSR, GTS : std_logic;
signal COUNT_UP, COUNT_DOWN : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
component ROCBUF
port (I : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
component TOCBUF
port (I : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
U1 : ROCBUF port map (I => SRP, O => GSR);
U2 : TOCBUF port map (I => STP, O => GTS);
if (GSR = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= "0000";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
COUNT_UP <= COUNT_UP + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process UP_COUNTER;
if (GSR = '1' OR COUNT_DOWN = "0101") then
COUNT_DOWN <= "1111";
elsif (CLOCK'event AND CLOCK = '1') then
if (ENABLE = '1') then
end if;
end if;
end process DOWN_COUNTER;
CUP <= COUNT_UP when (GTS = '0' AND COUNT_UP /= "0000") else "ZZZZ";
CDOWN <= COUNT_DOWN when (GTS = '0') else "ZZZZ";
end A;
The following figure shows the progression of the TOCBUF model and its interpretation in the four main design phases.