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This section describes NGD2VER command options.
The -10ps option changes the default timescale statement from `timescale 1ns to `timescale 10ps. This allows you to choose the appropriate simulation resolution based on your simulation run-time requirements.
The -aka option includes user-defined identifiers as comments in the Verilog netlist. This option is used if user-defined identifiers are changed because of name legalization processes in NGD2VER.
The -cd option applies to a Verilog file that will be used with the Cadence Synergy synthesis tool. The -cd option encloses every module definition in `celldefine and `endcelldefine constructs, as shown below.
module <module_name>
The `celldefine and `endcelldefine constructs tell the Cadence Synergy software to treat an enclosed module as a black box (that is, do not try to synthesize the enclosed module).
This option is used if a Cadence Synergy user instantiates a LogiBLOX module into the HDL source code.
-f command_file
The -f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For more information on the -f option, see the -f Option section of the Introduction chapter.
-gp port_name
The -gp option causes NGD2VER to bring out the global reset signal (which is connected to all flip-flops and latches in the physical design) as a port on the top-level module in the output Verilog file. Specifying the port name allows you to match the port name you used in the front-end. The global reset signal is discussed in the Dedicated Global Signals in Back-Annotation Simulation section of the NGDAnno chapter.
This option is only used if the global reset net is not driven. For example, if you include a STARTUP component in an XC4000 design, you do not have to enter a -gp option, because the STARTUP component drives the global reset net.
Note: Do not use GR, GSR, PRELOAD, or RESET as port names, because these are reserved names in the Xilinx software. Also, do not use the name of any wire or port that already exists in the design, because this causes NGD2VER to issue a fatal error.
-log log_file
The -log option generates a log file that contains all of the messages displayed during the execution of NGD2VER. Specify the name of the log file. By default, the name is ngd2ver.log.
The -ne option overrides the default NGD2VER method of writing out identifiers that contain invalid characters.
In a Verilog file, identifiers (names) must conform to the rules described in the Verilog Identifier Naming Conventions section. By default (with no -ne option), NGD2VER writes identifiers that contain invalid characters with a leading backslash and a following white space.
If you enter a -ne option, invalid characters are replaced with an underscore character (_), and the leading backslash does not appear as part of the identifier. The resulting Verilog file can be used if a vendor's Verilog software cannot interpret escaped identifiers correctly.
-op oscillator_period
The -op option specifies the period, in nanoseconds, for the oscillator. You must specify a positive integer to stimulate the component properly. If you do not enter a value for the -op option, the default is 100 ns.
The -pf option writes out a pin file - a Cadence signal-to-pin mapping file with a .pin extension.
Note: NGD2VER only generates an PIN file if the input is an NGA file.
The -pms option forces the port names and child signal names to match.
The -r option writes out a Verilog HDL file that retains the hierarchy in the original design as much as possible. Some loss of hierarchy may occur due to optimization. See the Output Files section of the NGDAnno chapter for more information. If loss of hierarchy occurs, NGD2VER produces a warning for each level of user hierarchy that is lost. Following is an example.
WARNING:NgdHelpers:182 - Hierarchical block $1I74/$1I126 has been flattened. The pins for this block will not be observable in the generated simulation model.
This option groups logic based on the original design hierarchy. To run NGD2VER with the -r option, you should have supplied an NGM file as input when you ran NGDAnno (see the Input Files section of the NGDAnno chapter). If you did not supply an NGM file, the NGA file produced is based on the NCD file, rather than the original design hierarchy.
The default setting (with no -r option) produces a flattened Verilog HDL file.
-sdf_path [path_name]
The -sdf option outputs the SDF file to the specified full path. This option writes the full path and the SDF file name to the $sdf_annotate statement. If a full path is not specified, it writes the full path of the current work directory and the SDF file name to the $sdf_annotate file.
Note: NGD2VER only generates an SDF file if the input is an NGA file, which contains timing information. This option is allowed on an NGA file but not on an NGD file.
The -shm option places $shm statements in the structural Verilog file created by NGD2VER. These $shm statements allow VerilogXL to display simulation data as waveforms.
The -tf option generates a test fixture file. The file has a .tv extension, and it is a ready-to-use template test fixture Verilog file based on the input NGD or NGA file.
If you are using a Cadence Verilog simulator, you can run the simulator by entering verilog design.tv design.v, using the output V and TV files from NGD2VER. You can then add more design-specific stimuli to this file to fit your needs.
-ti top_instance_name
The -ti option specifies a user instance name for the design under test in the test fixture file created with the -tf option.
-tm top_module_name
The -tm option changes the name of the top-level module name appearing within the NGD2VER output files. If you do not enter a -tm option, the output files inherit the top module name from the input NGD or NGA file.
-tp port_name
The -tp option causes NGD2VER to bring out the global tristate signal (which forces all FPGA outputs to the high-impedance state) as a port on the top-level entity in the output Verilog file. Specifying the port name allows you to match the port name you used in the front-end.
This option is only used if the global tristate net is not driven. For example, if you include a STARTUP component in an XC4000 design, you do not have to enter a -tp option, because the STARTUP component drives the global tristate net.
Note: Do not use the name of any wire or port that already exists in the design, because this causes NGD2VER to issue a fatal error.
The -u option produces an output Verilog file compatible with an AT&T Verilog simulator. This file contains an underbar (_) as a path delimiter, instead of the default forward slash (/) that is compatible with a Cadence Verilog simulator.
The -ul option causes NGD2VER to write a library path pointing to the SimPrim library into the output Verilog (.v) file. The path is written as shown following.
`uselib dir=$XILINX/verilog/src/simprims libext=.v
$XILINX is the location of the Xilinx software.
This line is necessary for a Cadence Verilog simulator, but may confuse a simulator from another vendor. If you do not enter a -ul option, the `uselib line is not written into the Verilog file.
Note: A blank `uselib statement is automatically appended to the end of the Verilog file to clear out the `uselib data.
The -verbose option displays detailed Verilog processing messages during the execution of NGD2VER.
The -w option causes NGD2VER to overwrite the output files if they already exist. By default (no -w specified) NGD2VER does not overwrite existing files.