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Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 22: XFLOW

XFLOW Syntax

Following is the syntax for XFLOW.

xflow [flow type] [option file] [xflow option] design_name

The combined syntax of the flow type and option file runs the Xilinx command line tools. The following table illustrates the relationship between each flow type and its option file. Xilinx provides the option files listed in the table for each flow type. You can also create your own option files.

Note: This chapter uses the UNIX command line syntax. UNIX platforms use a slash (/) to specify a directory path while PCs use a backslash (\). Make sure that you use the correct syntax for your platform.

flow types
option file
See the “Option Simulation Files” table.
See the “Option Simulation Files” table.

Flow type can be any of those listed in the “Flow Types” section. You must specify at least one of these five flow types when running XFLOW: -implement, -fsim, -tsim, -fit, or -config. Each of these flow types require a file argument, for example, -implement balanced.opt.

Note: The -fsim flow type cannot be used with the -implement, -tsim,
-fit, or -config flow types.

An option file must be specified for each flow type. See the “Option Files” section for details.

An xflow option can be any of the options listed in the following table:

XFLOW Options
Copies export files to the export_ directory

Displays help/usage message

Creates flow, option, and script files in the working directory and then stops.
Changes output file name
Specifies a part name
Copies report files to the report_directory
Specifies a working directory

Options can be listed in any particular order. Separate multiple options with spaces. The design_name is the only required input file. See the “Input Files” section for a description of input design file formats.

Example 1

The following example shows how to use the -implement flow type.

xflow -p xcv100bg256-5 -implement balanced.[opt] testclk.edf

XFLOW searches for the fpga.flw and balanced.opt files in the working directory. If these files cannot be found in the working directory, XFLOW copies the files to the working directory from the install area and then executes the programs specified in the flow file. Note that you must have a file argument for the -implement flow type.

Example 2

The following example shows how to use a combination of flow types to implement, configure, and perform an EDIF timing simulation on an FPGA.

xflow -p xcv100bg256-5 -implement balanced[.opt] -tsim generic_edif[.opt] -config bitgen[.opt] testclk.edf

Example 3

The following example shows how to use a combination of flow types to fit and perform a VHDL timing simulation on a CPLD.

xflow -p xc95144pq160-7 -fit balanced[.opt] -tsim generic_vhdl[.opt] main_pcb.edn