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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 3: Using the FPGA Editor

Editing Your Design

This section describes the various functions you can perform in the FPGA Editor to change the configuration of your design. The changes you make become part of your design's database. You can perform the following editing functions.

The following sections describe each of these functions.

Note: The Automatic Routing option automatically routes any unrouted connections created as a result of any design edits. If you do not want these connections routed automatically, you can disable Automatic Routing in the Main Properties property sheet. This procedure is described in the “Automatic Routing Option” section.

This section contains the following topics.

Selecting Objects

You can use the following methods to select an object in the FPGA Editor window.

In some cases, you can only select from a list or from the command line, because there is no graphical representation of the object in the Array window. You can select any of the following objects.

When you select an object, it changes color and its name and attribute are displayed in the history section of the window. When you select a used wire (pinwire, long line or local line), the name of the net using the wire is displayed in the history area. When you select a used component pin (or net pin), the history area shows the pin name, the name of the net to which this pin belongs, and the delay time from the net source to this pin.

When you select additional objects, they also change color. You can select multiple objects of the same type and multiple types of objects. However, the objects you select must be appropriate for the action you are performing.

You can control whether design objects remain selected or are deselected after a command is performed with the Automatic Deselect option in the Main Properties sheet.

After you select the appropriate object or objects, initiate the command with any of the methods available in the FPGA Editor (such as menu, User toolbar, command alias, and so on).

Deselecting Objects

Use one of the following methods to deselect objects in your design.

Use the Clear command before performing another command to deselect any selected objects in your design. You can also check which objects are selected by looking in the World window. This window displays selected objects even when they are not visible in the Array window.

Selecting Objects with the Mouse and Keyboard

The following table lists the mouse and keyboard combinations for selecting and deselecting objects in your design as defined in the fpga_editor.ini file. These are the default settings. To customize these settings, see the “Customizing the FPGA Editor” chapter.

Table 3_1 Selecting Objects with Mouse/Keyboard

Single left mouse button click
Selects an object, and deselects all previously selected objects
Ctrl+left mouse button click
Toggles the selection status of the object, selecting it if not selected, and deselecting it if selected; use to select/deselect more than one object in your design
Shift+left mouse button click
Selects object; use to select more than one object in your design
Left mouse button click on empty space
Deselects all selected objects
Double click of left mouse button on component
Opens Block window
Ctrl+Shift+left mouse button click on route segment
Selects the net
Ctrl+Shift+left mouse button click on site or component pin
Selects route-throughs

Selecting Objects with the List Window

You can use the List window, shown in the “List Window” figure of the “Getting Started” chapter to display a list of the components, nets, paths, layers, constraints, or macros in your design. You can open multiple list windows simultaneously for your design by selecting Window New List Window.

Use the pull-down list box at the top of the window to specify which of the following design objects appear in the list.

Note: For more information on the List window, see the “Main Window” section of the “Getting Started” chapter.

You can select items in the list with the following mouse and keyboard combinations.

Single left mouse button click
Use to select a single object in the list
Ctrl+left mouse button click
Use to select multiple objects in the list that are not in sequential order
Shift+left mouse button click
Use to select multiple objects in the list in sequential order

When you select an item in the List window, you are selecting the corresponding object in your design with that name. The selected object in the Array window is highlighted. You can then perform the same operations on the selected object that you can perform when you select the object in the Array window.

Customizing the List Window

Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars if necessary to view the complete list of objects. You can also resize the window by positioning the cursor on any corner of the window. Press the left mouse button and drag the corner to the appropriate size.

Also, to view the full name of an object in the list, place the mouse pointer over the name. The full name appears in a popup box over the name. Optionally, you can use the left mouse button to stretch or shrink the right side of any of the column headers to resize the column width.

You can sort the entries in the list by clicking on any of the column headers in the list. For example, click the left mouse button on the Name column and the list is sorted alphabetically. If you have All Components listed, and click the left mouse button on the Type column, the components are listed alphabetically by type. Clicking on any of the column headers sorts the list based on what is displayed in that column.

Click the right mouse button on any of the column names in the List window to display a popup menu with the following choices.

Table 3_2 List Window Popup Menu Commands

Popup Menu Command
Sort Ascending
Sorts the list in ascending order either alphabetically or numerically
Sort Descending
Sorts the list in descending order either alphabetically or numerically
Move Column Left
Moves the selected column to the left
Move Column Right
Moves the selected column to the right
Save Column Layout
Saves the current column layout
Restore Column Layout
Restores column layout to the layout used at the beginning of your editing session, or to the last saved layout
Default Column Layout
Restores the column layout to the Xilinx-defined layout

Selecting Objects with the Find Command

Note: For more information on the Find command, see the “Find (Edit Menu)” section of the “Menu Commands” chapter.

You can also select objects in your design with the Edit Find menu selection. This command displays the Find dialog box shown in the “Find Dialog Box” figure of the “Menu Commands” chapter. Use the pull-down list to select the type of object you want to find in your design, and enter the name of the object in the Name field. If you are zoomed in when you select Find, the Auto Pan option automatically pans to the search object. The Auto Clear option clears all previous selections so only the item you are searching for is selected.

As an alternative to using the Find dialog box, you can use the Select command with the Zoom Selection command in the Command Line toolbar. See the “Command Line Syntax” chapter for details on the Find, Select, and Zoom commands.

Selecting Objects with the Select Command

You can also select objects with the Select command in the Command Line toolbar. See the “Select” section of the “Command Line Syntax” chapter for the command line syntax and examples.

Notes On Selecting Objects

This section includes some additional information on selecting objects in your design.