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FPGA Editor Guide
Chapter 3: Using the FPGA Editor

Adding Objects

When you add objects to your design, these new objects become part of your design's database. Use the Add command to perform these functions.

You can add objects in any of the following ways.

Note: Objects cannot be added if the design is in the No Logic Changes Mode.

This section contains the following topics.

Adding Components

To add new components to the database use this procedure.

  1. Select vacant sites in which to place the new components.

    You can select any type of site, for example, CLB, IOB, tristate buffer, pull-up resistor.

  2. Select Edit Add.

    The sites become components, and these new components can be connected to other components in your design.

    The Component Properties property sheet may appear on the screen for each newly created component. Whether the property sheet appears or not is controlled by the Automatic Post main window property, see the “Main Window Properties” section. Each property sheet shows the name of the new component and the name of the site in which the component is placed.

  3. You can edit the component properties in the property sheet and click OK or Apply to apply them, or Cancel to close the property sheet and maintain the defaults. See the “Component Properties” section for details.

Notes on Adding Components

This section includes some additional information on adding component to your design.

Adding a Net

To add a new net to the database use this procedure.

  1. Select all component pins comprising the new net.

    Each of the selected pins must be on a placed component (not a site), and the selected pins must not belong to any other nets.

  2. Use the Add command in any of the following ways to add a net.

Notes on Adding Nets

This section includes additional information on adding nets to your design.

Adding Component Pins to an Existing Net

To add component pins to an existing net follow these steps.

  1. In the Array window, select the component pins you want to add to the net.

    The selected pins must be on a placed component (not a site), and the selected pins must not belong to any other net.

  2. Select the net to which you will add the pins in one of the following ways.

  3. Select Edit Add.

    The selected pins are added to the net.

    If the Automatic Routing option is enabled, the new net pins will be routed to the net. If Automatic Routing is Off, ratsnest lines will be drawn to the new net pins. For a description of Automatic Routing, see the “Automatic Routing Option” section.

Adding a Macro

Adding a macro to your design is described in the “With a Different Name” section of the “Working with Physical Macros” chapter.